Bible Crafts for Cain and Abel Theme
Cain and Abel Crafts and Activities for Kids

The ideas for these Cain and Abel crafts and activities come from the printable Sunday lesson on The Resource Room, a members-only section of Danielle's Place.
In this lesson children learn about Cain and Abel, and how Cain made the wrong choice. They learn that sin separates us from God. Sin requires punishment, but God is a kind and loving God and forgives us, and restores our relationship with him if we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
1 John 1:9 Bible Coloring Sheet
Children color the Bible verse picture to help them remember the verse. This activity sheet is available in both KJV and NIV.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Cain and Abel Activity and Coloring Sheet Printable
What you will need: Paper,Scissors, Colored Pencils or Crayons, and
Children color the pictures of Cain and Abel and then glue pictures to the page in the appropriate place.
To make this activity easier, children can draw pictures instead of gluing pictures to the sheet.
As your children work talk about the differences between them and their brothers and sisters, jealousy, doing the right thing, and forgiveness.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
This lesson is great. Thank you for putting together such a good lesson. I am starting at the beginning of the Bible and going to end, teaching our 1st - 6th graders in our Wednesday night programs. I work full time and am so glad I found your site. It is so great that someone has done the work for me (and is very biblical based) and all I have to do is teach. Thanks again.
Cain and Abel Paper Bag Dolls

What you will need:
Paint Sticks or Other Support such as Cardboard
Colored Pencils or Crayons
Tan Cardstock or Tagboard
Ribbon other Material
Plastic Grocery Bags (Recycle)
How to Make the Cain and Abel Characters

1. Place a rock or something heavy at the bottom of a brown lunch bag. Place a paint stick or other support such as card board inside the bag so it is sticking out the top.
2. Stuff the bag with plastic grocery bags. Gather the top of the bag around the paint stick or support and glue it to the paint stick or support.
3. Cut the edges off around the two paper bowls, leaving just enough edge to glue the two paper bowls together. Glue a bowl to one side of the bag and support and then glue another paper bowl to the other bowl top to top. Paint the bowl flesh color.

4. Draw a face on the bowl or use the printable patterns and glue one to the bowl.
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5. Cut the front out of a colored gift bag to make the head covering as shown in the picture. Place the bag on the paper bowl head and glue it down. Tie a ribbon or material around the head covering.
6. To make the cloak cut another brown down the side to the bottom of the bag and then cut off the bottom so that you have flat piece of paper. Color the bag and then wrap it around the Bible character's body as shown in the picture. Fold down the corners to make the collar and glue it to the body.
7. Draw arms and feet on cards stock (Printable patterns are available to members), color them, cut them out, and glue them to the body as shown in the picture.
8. To finish draw a sheep, a carrot of other vegetables, color them and cut them out and glue them to the arms.
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©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Bible Verse Coloring and Activity Sheet
Younger children will enjoy this activity sheet. They glue the appropriate pictures to the hands of Cain and Abel and then color the sheet.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
This activity sheet goes along with the Cain and Abel Bible Lesson on The Resource Room.
Thank you for all the creative lessons you put together. It makes teaching little ones so much easier. Thank you. Pam
Hebrews 4:11 Bible Verse Search and Find Words Activity Sheet
Children look up the Hebrews 4:ll in their Bibles and then find each word of the verse on the activity sheet and then color the picture. This sheet is available in both KJV and NIV.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
1 John 1:9 Bible Verse Review Maze
Children study the Bible verse and then try to follow the dots to find a path to the end of the verse. All the words to the verse must be on connnecting dots and they must be in order of the verse.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Act Out the Story
Place your children in groups of three and have each group practice making a skit about Cain and Abel and then have all the groups perform their skits in front of the class. If possible record the skits and replay them in class.
Play a Relay Game
Older Children Relay Race
1. Print out the Cain Patterns and Abel Patterns, cut them out, and glue them to card stock. Make a set of pictures for each team.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. In class divide your children up into two teams and place the bowl with the craft sticks in the middle of the two teams just before the start line.
3. Place cups and the pictures of Cain and Abel at the opposite end of the room across from each team. Place a cup in front of each picture. Children take turns picking up a craft stick, reading it, and then running to the other side of the room, and dropping the craft stick in the appropriate cup. When the bowl is empty the game is over. The team that has the most correct craft sticks in the cups wins.
Younger Children
1. Place all the craft sticks in a bowl. Let your children take turns picking a craft stick. Read the words craft stick and let the child decide in which cup he or she should place the stick. When all the craft sticks are in the cups, take one out at a time, read it, and ask your children if it is in the correct cup.
©2008, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Just wanted to let you know how helpful your site is for our Junior Church and Master Club Program for the children. We live a considerable distance from the city, and this resource is absolutely the best thing we have come across. It saves us an incredible amount of time. I have been teaching 48 years and always need something fresh and new. Many of the children are with us through the elementary years, so we don't like to repeat. Thank you so very much for your program. Sincerely, Diane 10/08/10
I just want to thank you for these lessons. I have been given the task of taking care of the choir member’s children while they are practicing. They range in age from 2 – 12. When I first started I have five children and would bring random crafts and games. The group grew to 11 and it could get downright chaotic. Until I found your website and joined, I was not looking forward to Sunday nights and wished I could quit. I knew I needed to find structured lessons. I have been using your lessons the last three weeks and the children enjoy it tremendously and I do as well. I now look forward to Sunday nights and teaching them. Right now we’re doing the Watchdog series. It is wonderful. Not only is it good for the children, but I needed to hear this lesson as well. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and sharing these wonderful lessons. Michelle, 5/23/2010