Bible Crafts and Sunday School Lesson about Treasure
Finding Treasure Bible Lesson with Bible Crafts about Treasure, Wisdom and Knowledge
The following lessons and crafts come from "Finding Treasure" Sunday School Lesson available on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
In this lesson children think about what they treasure most. They learn what the Bible tells us to treasure and that Christ is our real treasure.
Scripture References: Colossians 2:3 (Treasure of wisdom and knowledge) Matthew 6:19-20, Proverbs 24:3-4, Matthew 6:21 (Search for it -knowledge- as hidden treasure)
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Paper Treasure Hunt Activity
Children search through a treasure box to find a picture that will fill in the blanks of the Bible verses that talk about treasure.
What you will need:
Colored Pencils (Optional)
Treasure Box
What to do:
1. Before class print out the pattern, cut them out, and prepare them to place in the treasure box. (Printable patterns for this games is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Print out the Bible verse cards and cut them apart. Print out the answer sheet.
3. Place all the pictures in a treasure box.
4. In class give one student a Bible verse card and have him read it. Tell him that the answer to the missing word is one of the treasures in the treasure box. Let the child go through the pictures in the treasure box and pick the one he thinks has the missing word in the verse. Once he has picked a picture, have your students look up the verse in their Bibles to see if he was correct. Replace the picture in the treasure box.
5. Keep giving verse cards to students until all the missing words to the verses have been found.
Make a Treasure Box
Great for storing memory verse cards! The finished box measures 3.5" x 4".
What you will need:
Card Stock (Brown and Gold or Orange)
Colored Pencils or Crayons
Aleene's Tacky Glue
How to Make the Treasure Box:
1. Print out the patterns onto card stock (Heavy Paper).
Instant Download Pattern - - This Craft Only
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
2. Before class cut out the patterns on the solid lines. Score all the dotted lines by tracing over them with a pen using a ruler to keep your lines straight. Fold up at all the dotted lines.
3. In class have your children color the patterns.
4. Glue the sides of the bottom of the treasure box together at the tabs using a low temperature glue gun.
5. Fold down the top edges and glue them down to the inside of the box. Glue the sides together on the top of the treasure box. Glue the top tabs down to the insides of the box except for one of the long sides. Glue this tab to the top of the bottom of the treasure chest.
6. Then let your children glue the accessories on with tacky glue.
Watch a View it and Do it! Craft video on how to make this treasure box:
The pattern for this box is available on The Resource Room and go with the Sunday School lesson "Finding Treasure".
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Treasure Hunt Through the Bible Craft and Activity

Children have a treasure hunt through the Bible to see what God tells us to treasure. Children are given a map in which they are directed through the Bible to find treasure hidden within. (Pattern available on The Resource Room)
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Children will enjoy making paper look old that they can use to make a treasure map at home.
1. Before class soak tea bags in warm water.
2. In class give each child a sheet of white construction paper or typing paper. Show them how to tear the sides and make little rips to make the paper look worn.
3. Have them wrinkle up the paper and then straighten it out.
4. Show them how to use the tea bags to paint over the paper by squeezing the bags and rubbing them over the paper. Set the papers aside to dry.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
What Do You Treasure? Survey Printable

Do you treasure these things: fear of the Lord, wisdom, knowledge, God's commandments, His word? Let's take a "test" and see what it reveals about what we treasure.
Provide students with a copy of "What Do You Treasure?" Students may need help in adding up their score.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Students may feel they have failed to make Jesus their treasure. This is an opportune moment to ask students if they want to make Jesus their Number One Treasure.
Be prepared to follow through with each child who wants to make a commitment to the Lord.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Treasure Chest and Gems Activity Sheet
Treasure Chest with Gems
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
You can make these maps look really old by following the directions in the craft section below. You will have to make photocopies of the pattern if you are using an ink jet printer. The ink from an ink jet printer will run and smear if you get it wet. Or you can buy paper at your local office supply store with a pattern printed on it that makes it look old.
If you have children who are just beginning to read, help them find the verses and the treasures found in each verse. You can group older students into groups of two or three. One child can look up the verses while another cuts out the gem shapes, and another writes down the treasures on the gem shapes to place in the treasure chest. You can prepare the treasure chests before class by cutting a slit in the top of the chest. Glue the chest picture to another sheet of paper and glue around the chest. Don't glue where the treasure should be inserted.
Treasure Crafts on Other Pages
You can also find treasure crafts on the King Joash Bible Lesson Page.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information