Woman at the Well Bible Crafts
Bible Crafts, Games, and Bible Lesson for Children about The Woman at the Well Great for Children's Ministry
The Woman at the Well or Living Water Sunday School Lesson Ideas
The following lessons are available on The Resource Room and a an instant download for $3.95 and includes all of the following crafts and games.
Instant Download KJV Lesson - - Includes everything on this page.
Instant Download NIV Lesson - - Includes everything on this page.
Make a Paper Cup

Water-drop shaped Bible verse cards and a paper cup to hold the water drops.
Children can take the drops home to practice their memory verse or use them to play a game in class.
In class have older children cut water drop shapes from blue paper and write the memory verse words on the water drops. If you have younger children, you can precut the water drops.
In class have the children copy the Bible verse onto the water drops one word per drop. (Printable NIV and KJV patterns are available to members and as an instant download above. Complete lessons are available on The Resource Room for both younger and older children.
Make paper cups using typing paper or, if you have it, freezer paper to store the water drops. Make extra cups so that the children can use them to drink some water. (Use white paper to make cups that you will be drinking out of.)
1. Fold a square piece of paper 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" in half, corner to corner to make a triangle.
2. Place the folded piece of paper on a table so that the folded, long edge is at the bottom.

3. Fold over the right, bottom corner so that the point meets the left edge of the triangle.

4. Fold over the left, bottom corner so that the point meets the right edge of the triangle.

5. Fold down the top layer of the top corner along the top edges of the folded corners. Turn the bucket over and turn the top corner over the same way.
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Woman at the Well Coloring and Activity Sheet for Children's Ministry
Review the Bible lesson using this fun coloring and activity sheet. Encourage your students to write in the conversation bubbles in their own words what Jesus and the Samaritan woman said when they met at Jacob's well. This activity sheet is also available in color to use as a Bible lesson illustration.
Woman at the Well Paper Plate Water Scoop Craft and Bible Verse Review Activity
What you will need:
Lunch-Sized Paper Plates
Blue and White Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Crayons or Colored Pencils
How to Make the Paper Plate Craft:
1. Cut paper plates in half, and cut a handle shape from card stock about ten inches long.
2. Glue the handle to one of the halves of the paper plates and then glue the paper plate halves together to form the cup of the scoop.
3. In class have your children color the scoop and write the Bible verse in the center of the scoop. (Printable NIV and KJV patterns are available to members and as an instant download. Complete lessons are available on The Resource Room for both younger and older children above.)
4. Cut water drop shapes from blue card stock and have your children write one word from the Bible verse on each water drop.
Use this craft to play a relay game. Set up two bowls on one side of the room and line up two teams opposite the bowls on the other side of the room. Have the children take turns carrying one paper water drop across the room and dropping it into the bowl using only their water scoops. If a water drop does not fall in the bowl, the child may not pick it up. The team that finishes first and has the most water drops in the bowl wins. Play another game to see which team can put the water drops in order to spell out the Bible verse first.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Cup of Living Water Craft
What you will need:
White Paper
Paper 9-oz. Party Cups
Crayons or Colored Paper
Hole Punch
Blue Card Stock
What to do:
1. Before class cut water drop shapes from blue card stock so that they fit inside the cup. Make enough water drops so each craft has enough to write one word of the verse on each water drop.
2. Punch holes at the top of each water drop.
3. In class have your children string the water drops in order on the string tying each water drop to the string before they add another water drop. (Printable NIV and KJV patterns for younger children are available to members and as an instant download. Complete lessons are available on The Resource Room for both younger and older children above.)
4. Have your children color the cup and write the Bible verse on one side. Punch a hole in the bottom of the cup and string the yarn through the hole. Tape the string to the bottom of the cup.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Act Out the Story of The Women at the Well
You will need a large box painted to
look like a well, large bowl of water, a ladle, a cup, and dress up
clothes. Have the children dress up in Costumes as Mary. (Younger children will want to dress up like Mary because
she gets to play in the water.) Have a teacher dress up like
Jesus. To act out: Jesus comes up to the woman sitting at the
well and asks for a drink of water. The woman gives him a drink.
Jesus tells the woman that God loves her. Have each child take
a turn being Mary. If you teach older children go into more
detail about the living water.
We crafted a small well from Styrofoam blocks, spray painted it gray, and placed a bucket of water inside with a ladle. As we told the story about Jesus and the woman at the well, we let the kids eat pretzels but did not offer a drink. At the end of the story we asked them if they were getting thirsty. Just like in the story, when Jesus helped the woman, we all brought our cups to the "well" and filled them with water. The kids thought it was fun too! Lisa
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Woman at the Well Pencil Holder Craft
This pencil holder has the verse, "He who believes in Me shall never thirst." around to rim.
This craft goes with the lesson, The Woman at the Well which also comes with games and activities.
(Printable NIV and KJV patterns are available to members and as an instant download. Complete lessons are available on The Resource Room for both younger and older children above.)
©2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Instant Download KJV Lesson - - Includes everything on this page.