Jesus Rescues, Protects, and Heals Me Crafts
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Jesus Including: "Jesus Rescues Me" Fireman, "Jesus Protects Me" Police, "Jesus Heals Me" - Doctor and Paramedic

"Jesus Rescues Me" Fireman-Theme Bible Lesson for Children's Ministry
The following Crafts and Activities come from the Bible Lessons Series "Jesus Rescues Me" on The Resource Room where you will find a complete lesson with crafts, activities and printable memory verse cards.
"Jesus Rescues Me" Fireman's Hat Bible Craft for Sunday School

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"Jesus Rescues Me" Fireman Badges

Children color the Fireman's Badges and cut them out. When they are finished tape them to their shirts with double-sided tape, or tape rolled up into a circle.
This craft goes along with the Sunday School lesson "Jesus Rescues Me" on The Resource Room and is available to members.
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"Jesus Rescues Me" Textured Cross Craft
What you will need:
Brown Paper
White and Dark Brown Crayons with the Wrapper Removed
Scissors and glue
Textured Surface - You can buy texture plates, or just use old pieces of wood. Sand off any edges that might have splinters. If you don't have any of these, you can make a textured surface with glue.
Place the head of the bottle of glue on the paper, squeeze, and move the head up and down on the paper to make lines and a couple of swirls. Let the glue dry and it will look like an old wood surface.
How to Make the Textured Crosses:
1. Have your children draw a large cross on a piece of brown paper and place the cross picture on a rough surface as described above. Show them how to rub the side of a crayon over the picture and rough surface to obtain a textured look on their crosses.
3. When they are happy with the look of their crosses have them cut them out and glue them to the Bible verse page.
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"Jesus Rescues Me From:" Bible Verse Coloring Sheet for Sunday School
This color sheet gives many examples of how Jesus can rescue us.
Firemen put out fires in our homes, but Jesus can put out the fires that burn in our hearts. He can extinguish sickness, jealousy, fear, envy, loneliness, pride, anger, and much more.
While children work on their color sheets the teacher talks about ways God can help them with their problems.
The patterns for this color sheet are available to members in both the KJV and NIV on The Resource Room.
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Fire Engine with Moveable Ladder and Hose Bible Activity Sheet for Sunday School
What you will need:
Printing Paper
Colored Pencils or Crayons
Brass Fasteners (You can buy these at office supply stores.)
Clear Tape
Hole Punch
How to Make the Fire Engine Activity Sheet:
1. Print out the Fire Engine Picture.
2. Have your children color all the pictures and then cut out the ladder, hose, and turntable.
3. Fold the two ladder patterns and tape them closed.
4. Punch a hole in the bottom ladder part and turntable where indicated. Attach the ladder to the back of the turntable with the brass fastener. Tape the turntable with the ladder to the fire engine at the bottom of the turntable and the top right-hand side. Make sure the ladder is still free to move.
5. Insert the smaller ladder into the larger, bottom ladder.
6. Cut out the hose pattern following the swirl shape. There are two patterns available, one that is easier to cut for left-handed people and another for right-handed people.
7. Glue the hose onto the fire truck by placing a dot of glue in the center of the hose. Make sure you use only a small dab so that the glue doesn't leak out and glue the rest of the hose down.
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Fire Hose Bible Verse Craft
1. Before class print out the fire hose patterns onto card stock (Heavy Paper). If you have older children, you may want to use the blank fire hose pattern and have them write the memory verse on the hoses.
2. In class have your children color the fire hoses and then cut them out.
3. Have your students take them home to help them to practice their Bible verse.
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Your site is so helpful for my age group-lessons which are short and a craft or games to go with the lesson. I try to be real good and spend a lot of time preparing for Sunday School but after working full time and taking care of a home not much time left. You save me the time through your site and with the good materials I receive, I don't feel like I am short changing the kids. Thanks again. Sandie
More Jesus Rescues Bible Lessons in this Series
"Jesus Protects Me" Police -Theme Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Go to the "Jesus Protects Me" Bible lesson Page for more information.
"Jesus Heals Me" - Doctor and Paramedic -Theme Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Go to the "Jesus Heals Me" Bible Lesson Page for more information.