Creation Crafts and Activities for Sunday School
The Creation Bible Lesson for Children with Crafts and Learning Activities
The following crafts and activities about Gideon come from The Resource Room. The complete lesson "The Creation" is available to members and as an instant download.
Make an "All Things Bright and Beautiful" Book
Before class print out the pages to the book and make copies. Cut out the pages and staple them together. In class have your children color the pictures.
"All Things Bright and Beautiful"
Written Cecil F. Alexander in 1848
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.
This book includes four 7.5" x 7.5" pages and a cover pattern. The cover pattern is available in color or black and whtie. This printable is available to members of The Resource Room and as an instant download.
Go to for the music.
Six Days of Creation Pocket Craft

Children color the pictures and place them in the appropriate pockets as you read the story of creation.
Member's - Includes Color and Black and White Patterns
Instant Digital Download - Black and White Patterns and White Patterns
Seven Days of Creation Early Childhood Coloring Sheet for Creation Bible Lesson
Use these coloring sheets in your Sunday school lessons about creation. At the end of your lesson series staple all seven pages together to make a book.
Seven Pages Available to members and as an instant download.
Spanish Instant Digital Download - - 14 Pages, Color and Black and White
Great Song for Children About Creation
Days of Creation Cubes

What you will need: Card Stock (Heavy Paper), Color Printer, Tacky Glue, Clear Tape and Scissors
Patterns for this craft are available to members and as an instant download.
Instant Digital Download Pattern -
Spanish - Instant Digital Downlaod -
Six Pages Black and White and Color Patterns for both two-inch and three-inch cubes.
1. Print out the cube patterns onto card stock. If you are using the larger cubes print one copy of Pattern 1 for every one copy of Pattern 2.
2. If you are using the black and white patterns, have your children color the pictures with colored pencils.
3. Cut out the patterns and fold all the lines back.
4. Glue the cubes togethers using tape on the inside to reinforce the sides.
Creation Cube Games
1. Roll a Match
Before class prepare two cubes. Prepare sheets of paper with all six days of creation listed with a check box next to each day. In class have your children take turns throwing both cubes at the same time. If the pictures that are facing up match, the child gets to check off that day on his or her paper and take another turn.The child that checks off all the days of creation first wins.
2. Collect Creation Items Cube Game
Before class collect items to represent each day of creation.
- Day 1 - Night and Day: Small Oreo Cookies
- Day 2 - Sky : Star, Moon, Clouds and Sun Stickers
- Day 3 - Dry Land, Plants, and Seas: Flower Stickers
- Day 4 - Stars, Moon and Sun: Star, Moon, Clouds and Sun Stickers
- Day 5 - Flying Animals and Sea Life - Fish Crackers and Butterfly, Bees, and Brid Stickers
- Day 6 - Land Animals and People - Teddy Grahams
In class have your children take turns rolling the creation cube. Give the child an item that matches the picture of the day of creation he or she rolled. If you don't want to use the items, you can use creation stickers instead.
Days of Creation Mobile Craft for Kids
Instant Digital Download Pattern -
Spanish - Instant Digital Downlaod -
Días de Creación
Instant Digital Download Pattern - - Coming soon!
Spanish - Instant Digital Downlaod -
Days of Creation Crafts on Other Pages