Creation of Man Sunday School Crafts and Activities for Kids
Dust Man Verses Snowman Sunday School Lesson

In this lesson the teacher and children pretend to make a big snowman, and then compare God's creation of man to making a snowman. (See sample lesson below.)
The following crafts and activities are from the Sunday school lesson "Dust Man Verses Snowman" on The Resource Room. It is also available as an instant digital download.
Snowman Coloring Sheet
Children color the snowman coloring sheet and talk about the meaning of the verse.
I teach a class on Wednesday nights, ages 4, 5, and 6. We did the Snowman/Dust man and made the cup snowmen. The children loved it. We pretended to build a snowman and the children really got into the acting and one child even pretended to drop their snowball and had to roll it all over again. It was funny and cute. One child lost their pom pom nose off their snowman and according to the parent, was really upset, but he got another. These lessons are absolutely wonderful. Every one of them that I have done, the children really get into and really learn. Thank you so much. This is the second or third year I have subscribed to your site and it has been sooo worth it. Thank you so much and may God bless you abundantly. :-) 10/15/12
Make a Big Paper Snowman with Poem
Before class print out the pattern pages and make copies. In class have your children color the patterns, cut them out, and glue them together. If you have younger children, cut out the patterns before class and just have them color and glue the picture together. To make it even easier have your children glue the shapes onto a large piece of construction paper. Have them cut arm shapes from brown construction paper.
Guess Who!
I made this big snowman out of paper and glue.
It may not look like much from your point of view,
But it reminds me of a man that was made too.
Do you think you can guess who? I'll give you a clue.
God made the man from the dust, brand new.
On the sixth day of creation, he made his debut.
If you consider my snowman, there's not much he can do,
But this dust man came alive when in his mouth God blew.
God gave him the animals and the whole world to subdue.
He was amazing and special just like me and you.
Now, do you think you know who? I bet you do.
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information- Do not copy this poem and publish it anywhere on the web.
Short and Stout Snowman
Make the "Short and Stout Snowman" from a Styrofoam cup to use with the song below.
God's Dust Man
Written by Carolyn Warvel
(Sing to the tune of "I'm a Little Tea Pot")
I made this little snowman, short and stout.
God made a dust man, there is no doubt.
That makes me so excited, I could shout.
Pick up your snowman and move him about.
God made a clever dust man, yes it's true.
He gave him the earth for him to subdue.
That makes me so excited, I could shout.
Pick up your snowman and move him about.
God didn't want his dust man to be alone.
He made him a wife from his rib bone
That makes me so excited, I could shout.
Pick up your snowman and move him about.
When God made his dust man, he thought of you.
God's great creation, we can't outdo!
That makes me so excited, I could shout.
Pick up your snowman and move him about.
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - Do not copy this poem and publish it anywhere on the web.
Build a Snowman Bible Verse Review Game
Before class cut the snowman parts from construction paper. In class go over the verse several times with your children.
When you think they might be able to repeat it pick a child to say the verse. If he can say it without making a mistake, he gets to put part of the snowman together. If he makes a mistake, correct him, and ask another child to try. Keep playing until the whole snowman is put together.
Genesis 2:7 Bible Verse Review Activity Sheet

Children follow the words to see how many complete Bible verses they can find. This printable is available in both KJV and NIV.
Find the Snack Game
Before class make two cup snowmen puppets, above . At snack time place a snack underneath one of the snowmen while your children are not looking. Ask one of your children to guess which snowman the snack is hidden under. If the child guesses correctly, he gets the snack. If he doesn't guess correctly, he must wait until his turn comes around again to guess. Keep playing until all the children have had snack.
You can find a complete lesson on The Resource Room including crafts, printable Bible Verse card, activity ideas, songs and more.
Make Gingerbread Man Cookies and Have the Children Decorate Them to Look Like Themselves.
Have the children decorate cookies using tubes of frosting in different colors, and candy such as M&M’s, licorice, chocolate chips, skittles, etc. Encourage them to make them look like themselves. Admire their creations and discuss how unique and wonderfully made each child is.
Make Life-Size Self-Portraits
Tape big pieces of butcher paper (paper used to cover bulletin boards) about 2 feet wide, one next to the other, on the wall. Before class write the scripture verse “I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” Psalm 139:14, on each sheet of paper. Have each child stand in front of the paper and outline his or her body onto the paper and then let them color it. When they are finished roll them up and tape them closed so they can take them home.
Song for Creation
God Made Me
(Tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
Slap your thighs and clap your hands as you sing it.
God made me, God made me, God made everything and God made me. (Go around the room and use each child's name.) God made Dustin, God made Dustin, God made everything and God made Dustin.
Then have them tell you something they do well and sing the song again.
God made me a helper, God made me a helper, God made everything and God made me a helper.
Children love songs that have their name in them or something about them. They love the attention, it connects the concept or lesson to them, and they pay attention better because they are a part of what is going on. This idea was sent in by Narita Roady
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Also see the Bible Themes - Adam and Eve Page
Also see the "God Made Me" Lessons
Sample Lesson - Dust Man Versus Snowman
What is your favorite thing to do in the winter: sledding, ice skating, playing in the snow, skiing, swimming, picnics? (Let your children respond.)
Have you ever made a snowman? Snowmen are fun to make, but they can be hard work. You have to have a really good pair of gloves or your hands will get cold. (Pretend to put on a pair of gloves.)
People make snowmen differently, but usually, they start by making the base of the snowman. To make the base, you pat some snow into a ball and start rolling it around in the snow so that it picks up more snow, patting the snow onto the snowball as you go. You keep rolling it and patting it into a ball shape until it gets so big that you can’t roll it anymore. If you want your snowman even bigger, you can add more snow to the base by just picking up handfuls of snow and patting it into the ball. (Pretend to make a snowman as you talk, making the ball bigger and bigger and patting it to make it round. Pretend that the ball is so big that you can’t pick it up.)
Once you get the base the size you want you can start on the second ball, the body of the snowman. You make this one the same as the first, except smaller. (Pull some more snow together and pat it into a ball.)
When you have made the ball big enough, you carefully pick it up and place it on top of the first snowball. (Pretend the snowball is so heavy that you need help picking it up. Pick some children in your class to help you pick it up and place it on the first snowball. Before you start ask the children if they remembered to put their gloves on. Hand them some pretend gloves and tell them to put them on, then have them help you pick up the pretend ball. Thank your children for their help.)
Once you get the second snowball on, you pat snow around the two balls so the top one doesn’t roll off. (Ask some of your children to come up and help you pat snow around the two balls. Make sure they put on gloves. Thank them for their help.)
You make the head the same way. When it is done place it on the very top. (Ask a child in your class if he would like to make the head. Before he starts make sure he is wearing his pretend gloves. Once he gets the pretend head made, pick it up and place it on the snowman.)
Once you get the head on the fun part starts. Now you get to give your snowman some character. What should we use for eyes? (Let your children give their ideas. Pick a child to pretend to find some eyes and bring them up to you. You can ask the child if he would like to put the eyes on. You can pick him up and have him pretend to put the eyes on the snowman way up high. You can also pretend that he puts them on crooked. Tell him to move the right eye up just a little.) . . .
- - - - Available to Members - - - -
. . . The Bible tells us that God also formed man from the dust of the earth. God made a dust man! (Open your Bible and read Genesis 2: 7) He gathered up the dust, just like we gathered up snow to make our snowman, and made a dust man. But his dust man was very special. He created the man in his own image. That means that he made the man a lot like himself. The man resembled God, just like our snowman resembles us. Our snowman has a head, eyes, arms, etc.
God gave his dust man wonderful eyes to see his beautiful creation, a magnificent nose to smell all the incredible smells, an amazing mouth to taste and eat, and nimble hands so that he could work and play. He formed the man’s feet out of the dust and gave him ten fingers and ten little toes so that he could do all kinds of wonderful things. He gave his dust man feelings so that he could feel love, hate, and all kinds of emotions. He gave him a brain so that he could be creative like himself and think up new things and solve problems. And he gave the dust man a soul so he could know right from wrong.
But best of all God breathed his very own breath into his dust man and he came alive! He came alive just like in the story of Frosty the Snowman. But the story of Frosty the Snowman is only a make-believe story; the story of the first man is real!
God was very happy with the man he created. He blessed the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to take care of it and work in it. (Gen. 2:15) He gave him all the animals and the whole earth to take care of. Then God made the first man a wife so he wouldn’t be alone. They had children, and their children had children, and their children had children, and so on, and so on, and that’s how you came to be.
So the next time you build a snowman think about God and how he created the first man. Think about how God made you a lot like himself. He created you to be creative and that is why you enjoy making snowmen.
I CANNOT begin to thank you for the treasure trove of information here. I am the Children’s Minister at our small church, and I teach every week on Wednesdays and Sundays. Without your website, I know I would be struggling to find material because of our limited budget at the church. Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you have done for so many of us teachers out there!! The children love the lessons, crafts, games and activities we do each week from this website. We have been doing the fruits of the spirit series, and it has amazed me what they remember when we review each week. May God bless you immensely!! Lori, Maryville, TN 10/20/2011