Candy Corn Crafts and Learning Activities
Crafts and Learning Activities using Candy Corn
Free Candy Corn Men Bulletin Board Display Printables

These eight-inch high candy corn men will make any classroom look festive. They come in six different designs, and are great for bulletin board displays. You can print them out onto card stock and just staple them to your board in a row, or cut the little men out and place them on your board in groups, have them hold hands, or dance around your board.
These patterns are also available without color and faces. Your students can help you make the bulletin board display by coloring the candy corn men and drawing faces on them. Or you can print out the different parts onto colored paper and glue them together to make the men.
They can be used for many other activities including:
1. Poem Writing Activity - Have your children write a poem on the blank candy corn pattern.
2. Make Candy Corn Men - Children cut out arms, legs and candy corn shape and glue them together to make candy corn men.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Candy Corn Shapes Learning Activities
These candy corn shape printables come in many
different sizes including:
3-inch Candy Corn Shapes
2.5-inch Candy Corn Shapes
2-inch Candy Corn Shapes
1.5-inch Candy Corn Shapes
1 -inch Candy Corn Shapes

"My Favorite Candy" Writing Activity
Help your children think of as many words as they can that describe candy such as: sweet, pleasing, delicious, treat, yummy, luscious, delectable, agreeable, appetizing, savory, tasty, satisfying, gratifying, delightful, etc. Write the words on the board or large candy corn shapes, or blank candy corn men and staple them to your bulletin board.
Have your students write the words on the two-inch candy corn shapes (above). Challenge them to write a paragraph using as many of the words as they can to describe their favorite candy.
Glue the finished paragraph onto a piece of black construction paper to make a frame. To finish have your children glue their candy corn pieces with the words on them to the frame.
You can also use them to make candy corn shape books. Cut out more candy cane shape and staple them to the back of the candy corn men. Have your students make up a story about a candy corn man.
Printable Patterns for these activities are available to members.
Candy Corn Caddy Craft with Learning Activities

This handy little caddy is very simple to make. All you need is a paper plate, glue, paint, hole punch, and ribbon.
You can use this caddy craft for many purposes:
Sight Words and Spelling Words Review - Have your children write their spelling words on the candy corn shapes and place them in the candy corn caddy. They can take them home and have parent review the words with them.
Sight Word Review Match Game - Have your children write their sight words on the candy corn shapes making a set of each of their sight words. They can store the
Place all the leaves face-up on a table in front of your child so that he can see the words. Tell your child that he can place all the leaves that he can read in the basket. If your child picks up a leaf that he cannot read, tell him what the word is and have him repeat the word. Place that leaf in a pile to be used after he has tried to read all the leaves on the table. When he has gone through all the leaves, place the ones he has missed on the table, and have him try to read the words again. Keep playing until all the words are in the basket.
Matching Game - To play this game make sets of matching words, and more paper baskets. Give each player a basket. Turn all the leaves over on a table so that the words aren't showing. Take turns turning over two leaves to see if the words match. The player that turns over the leaves should read the words on each leaf. If the words match, the player gets to keep the leaves and place them in his basket. The player with the most words in his basket wins.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Candy Corn Man Craft

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Orange or Yellow Yarn
Hole Punch
Scrap Paper, Fiber Fill, or Plastic Grocery Bags for Stuffing
How to Make the Candy Corn Men:
1. Draw and cut out candy corn shapes that about six inches high.
3. Color the shapes. Place two shapes together, back to back, and then punch holes around the sides with a hole punch.
4. Cut pieces of yarn and dip the ends in melted wax so the ends won't fray. Thread the yarn through the holes in the candy corn shapes to secure the shapes together.
5. Leave the top open and stuff the shapes with wrinkled up paper or plastic grocery bags.
6. Finish threading the yarn and then tie extra pieces of yarn to the top for the hair.
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Candy Corn Match Game

©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Sweet Treat Candy Corn Frame with Bible Verse

The Bible verse in the frame is -- "How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey." (Psalms 119:103) Children write "great tasting words" for the soul on the shapes such as: peace, love, joy, forgiveness, faith, trust, etc.
This craft can be use with the Bible lesson "Soul Food".
What you will need: Black construction paper, bright yellow printer paper, glue, black pens, card stock.
How to make:
1. Cut a piece of construction paper in half to make two pieces of paper that are 9" x 6". Use a ruler to mark off 1 1/2" all the way around the pieces of paper. Cut out the middle to make a frame.
2. Print out the onto a piece of yellow paper and cut them apart in the middle of the paper.
3. Print out the candy corn shapes onto card stock and cut them out. The candy corn patterns and the bible verse are available to members.
4. Glue the Bible verses to the back of the frames.
5. Glue candy cane, fun foam shapes onto the frame and then write sweet words for the soul and smiley faces on the candy corns.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Candy Corn Crafts and Learning Activities
on Other Pages
Candy Corn Fractions
Practice Fractions with Candy Corn Shapes
Help your children paint paper plates with yellow borders, orange middles, and white centers. Ask them to cut their paper plates into halves, quarters, etc. Use the pieces to study fractions.
Candy Corn Math
Children practice graphing and review math facts
What you will need:
Card stock (heavy paper), two toam plates, paper glue, brass fasteners, scissors, markers or crayons and candy corn or candy corn craft shapes.
How to make:
1. Print out the patterns and cut them out. (Printable patterns available to members.)
2. Glue the candy corn wheel onto the top of a foam plate. Glue another plate onto the bottom of the first plate, bottom sides together, so that the bottom plate acts as a stand for the top one.
3. Punch a hole in the candy corn spinner and through the center of the plates. Insert a brad through the holes and spread it out.

To Play:
1. Give each child a graph and some candy corns. Children take turns spinning the candy corn spinner and then place a candy corn on the graph corresponding to the number they spin. When all the candy corns are used up, the children should use a crayon or marker to color in the graph where the candy corns were placed.
They can then eat the candy corns. Ask them questions about the graph such as, "Which number did the spinner land on the most, least, etc.?"
You can buy Candy Corn Stickers from Amazon.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Candy Corn Stars" Little Book

This little book reviews numbers, colors, shapes, rhyming words, and glorifies God at the same time.
"One candy corn just for me.
Two candy corns make me smile with glee.
Three candy corns of yellow, orange, and white.
What a colorful sight.
Four candy corns I hold in my hand to share.
Five candy corns I place on my plate with care.
A star, a star of candy corns so sweet.
Thank you, God, for this special treat!"
© Nancy Foss
What to do:
1. Print out the patterns. Fold the cover pattern in half. Cut the other pages apart. Place the numbered pages inside the cover and staple them together. Children can glue candy corns onto the front of the cover or use candy corn shapes, or just color the cover.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Five Candy Corns - Written by Nancy Foss
Five candy corns
sitting on a plate,
One disappeared and met its fate.
Four candy corns quiet as can be,
I closed my eyes and then there were three.
Three candy corns are in my sight,
I open my mouth and shut it tight.
Now there are two. What should I do?
One for you and one for me,
No candy corns for us to see.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Candy Corn Treats
1. Candy Corn Star Cupcakes - Make your favorite cupcake recipe, ice the cupcakes and and a candy corn star to each cup cake.
2. Candy Corn Shaped Cookies - use a sugar cookie or rolled cookie recipe to make triangle shaped cookies. Roll out the dough and use a large circle shape to cut out the cookie and then cut the circle into four smaller wedge shapes by cutting the circle in half and then in half again. Add orange and yellow food coloring and powdered sugar to taste to creamed cheese to make icing. Ice the wedge shapes to look like candy corns.
3. Candy Corn Tortillas - Cut flour tortillas or corn tortillas into wedge shapes and then fry in a skillet with a small amount of butter, browning them on both sides. Remove from the skillet and let them cool. Add yellow and orange food coloring to creamed cheese in separate bowls. Spread the cream cheese onto the wedge shapes to look like candy corns.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information