Craft Stick Craft Projects
How to Make Crafts Using Craft Sticks, Craft Spoons and Wooden Shapes
Craft Stick Wall Hanging
This would make a great craft project for vacation bible school or Sunday school. It doesn't take very long to make and is inexpensive.

What you will need:
Five Craft Sticks
Beads, Buttons, or Sea Shells etc.
How to Make Craft Stick Wall Hanging:
1. Glue five craft sticks together to form the house shape.
2. You may want to paint the sticks.
3. Glue on beads sea shells buttons or anything you want to decorate the house.

4. Print out the bible verse pattern or make your own. Cut it out and glue it on a piece of cardboard.
5. Glue the frame over the saying.
6. Now glue a hook on the back. We used a paper clip opened slightly and glued it on with a glue gun.
Comments about this Craft:
I printed the saying for the Craft Stick Wall Hanging. I had a package of colored craft sticks, so we used those for the house outline. We glued the printout to construction paper, then cut around the shape after the sticks were adhered. I had some red yarn on hand, so we taped a hanging loop to the back with scotch tape. Carole Schaefer
Glow in the Dark Creatures

What you will need:
Craft Spoons, Craft Sticks, Wiggly Eyes, Glow-in-the-Dark Paint or Markers, and Glue
How to Make Glow in the Dark Creatures:
1. Cut the craft sticks to form legs and glue them onto the back of a craft spoon or jumbo craft stick.
2. Paint the creature with glow in the dark paint or use markers.
3. When the paint is dry glue on wiggly eyes.
4. Expose your completed creature to a bright light and then go in a room or closet that is completely dark and watch your creature glow.
Craft Stick Crafts
Craft Stick Crafts on The Resource Room
You can find more crafts using craftsticks on The Resource Room. The Resource room is designed for Sunday School teachers and homeschool parents. All of the crafts on The Resource Room are biblically based . Most of the crafts go along with one of the Bible lessons found on The Resource Room. All the crafts were designed for preschool and elementary age children. All the crafts are original and inexpensive which are great for homeschool use and large groups such as Sunday school classes and vacation Bible school.
Some of the crafts you will find are craft stick fish magnets to go with the lesson of Jesus feeding the 5,000, the twelve disciples in a boat, an Easter donkey, and a sheep.