Firefly, Lightning Bug Crafts and Learning Activities for Kids - 1
How to Make Firefly or Lightning Bugs Crafts and Learning Activities for Children
Firefly Lightning Bug Craft and Learning Activity
Children color the firefly pattern, and attach wings and Chenille stem antennae to the body. They then research fireflies and write their findings on the firefly sheet which is rolled up and inserted into the firefly body. To make the firefly light up, they turn the inserted sheet around.
This craft pattern is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Firefly Paper Plate Craft for Kids
What you will need:
Six-inch Paper Plates (Lunch size)
Tissue Paper or White Plastic Grocery Bag
Yellow, Black and Pink Patio Paint - Or use glow-in-the dark paint for the firefly's bottom.
Low Temp Mini Glue Gun or Tacky Glue
Striped Chenille Stems Pipe Cleaners, Pack of 100
How to Make the Bee Paper Plate Craft:
1. To make the firefly's head fold a 6-inch paper plate in half and then unfold it. Punch holes on the fold line for the antennae. Insert a Chenille stem into one hole and then up through the other. Bend down the ends.

2. Fold the paper plate in half again. Fold back the pointed ends, and then fold them forward.

3. Open up the folded plate a little and push folded sides into the center of the paper plate. Glue the sides together. (See Diagram.) (A pattern for this craft is available to members.)
4. Cut a slit in the back of the head. Overlap the paper plate in the back and glue it together to make a dart. This will make the mouth open slightly. Crease the front, bottom of the paper plate to make the mouth. (See diagram.)
5. To make the firefly's body fold a 6-inch paper plate in half. Glue the head to the body.
6. Cut wing shapes from tissue paper or a white plastic bag. Scrunch up the end that connects to the body and glue them under the head.
7. Cut Chenille stems in half, fold them into leg shapes and then glue them to the body as shown in the picture. You can punch holes in the body paper plate and insert the legs into the holes and tape them to the inside of the body.
8. To finish cut the eyes from the pattern (or draw them) and glue them to the head.
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More Firefly or Lightning Bug Crafts
See Firefly or Lightning Bug Crafts Page 2