Mother's Day Crafts - Page 3
Mother's Day Crafts for Kids Including: Bookmarks for Mom, Foam Flowers, Mother's Day Cards, Mirror Craft, and Trinket Box Craft for Mom
Toe-tally Awesome Toe Print Mother's Day Card Craft
This craft makes a great keepsake for moms!
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Ink Pads or Easy-to-clean-up Paint
(We used the Melissa & Doug Jumbo Multi-Color Stamp Pad
Newspapers or a Drop Cloth
How to Make the "Toe-tally Awesome!" Toe Print Mother's Day Card Craft:
1. Cover your working area with newspapers or a drop cloth.
2. Have your toddler press the balls of his or her feet onto the stamp pad and then press them on the card stock. If you are using paint, paint a thin layer over a sheet of paper and have your children press the ball of their feet into the paint. (You can also use your pets paw prints if you can get them to cooperate!)
3. If the finished toe print paper looks kind of messy, you can cut out the toe prints when the paint or ink is dry and glue them to another piece of paper.
4. To finish have your children write a "toe-tally awesome" saying on their papers, and then add smiley faces and other embellishments. You may also want to frame the picture.
Here are some examples:
Mom, you're toe-tally awesome!
Mom, you're toe-tally cool!
Mom, I'm toe-tally crazy about you!
Mom, I Love You Toe-tally!

Watch Logan, his dog, and new baby brother help Dad make this Mother's Day card.
You can watch this video on Logan's Life on Youtube.
©2016, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - Bloggers, if you use this craft idea or an adaptation, and link back to this page for the complete directions, let us know and we will put a link to your blog. You must follow copyright regulations.
Mother's Day Pool Noodle Picture Holder Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Pool Noodles
Foam Flower Shapes
Chenille Stems
Green Plastic Fork
Card Stock
Highlighter Markers
What to do:
1. Print out the flower, bee, and bird patterns onto card stock if you are going to use them. Have your children color them and cut them out. Highlighter markers work best.

2. Cut the noodle into six-inch pieces with a serrated knife. Then cut slivers off the sides of the pieces to make a flat side on each piece.
3. Place the piece of noodle on a flat surface, cut a slit in the top, and poke a fork into the slit so that it sticks up straight. Use the fork tines to hold a picture or card with a note to the child's mom on it.
4. Have your children decorate the noodle with chenille stems, craft foam flowers, and/or the paper flower, bee, and bird shapes. Show them how to bend the Chenille stems into stems and leaf shapes and glue the flower shapes to the top.
Bees, Flowers, and Birds Instant Download Pattern -
©2016, Digital by Design, Inc.
3D Foam Flowers with Printable Note Mother's Day Craft Kids Can Make

This craft uses foam flower stickers and a low temp. glue gun to achieve a 3D effect. If you have younger children that should not use a glue gun, you can just have them layer the stickers to make the 3D effect.
Children can attach a note to their flowers that say, "Mom, thanks for helping your little bud bloom." on the front.
On the back of the note it says, "Bud - an immature or undeveloped person. Bloom - to flourish or thrive.

How to Make the 3D Flowers:
1. Find three or four foam flower stickers and a pom pom that look nice together and that can be layered on top of each other.
2. Start by making the center of the flower. If you are using the type of flower with wide petals, you can make the petals look curved by gluing the base of the petals together. Glue one petal at a time. Place a small dot of glue with a low temp. glue gun at the base of the petal. Squeeze the sides of the petal together until the glue cools. Once you have glued the petals you can glue a pompom in the center of the flower. Make the next layer the same way or use a different type of flower.
3. If you don't want the petals to curve up, you can just glue a pom pom to the center of the flower and then glue each petal up to the sides of the pom pom. Add another flower to the bottom of that flower. By gluing the center of the flower to the bottom of the first flower. Place a dot of glue on each petal and glue it to the under side of the first flower's petals.
4. Cut leaf shapes from the craft foam and glue them to the back of the flowers.
5. To make the stem, fold a pipe cleaner in half and wind one end of the pipe cleaner into a circle and glue it to the back of the flower. Wind one half of the pipe cleaner around the other and glue the end to the bottom of the flower.
6. Make a note on a 3/4" by 3" sheet of paper that says, "Mom, thanks for helping your little bud bloom" on one side and "Bud - an immature or undeveloped person. Bloom - to flourish or thrive" on the other. Punch two holes in one side and thread the stems through the holes.
Leaf-shaped Note Cards Instant Download Pattern -
Square Note Cards Instant Download Pattern -
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
"Mom, Thanks for Helping Your Little Bud Bloom" Picture

Foam Bookmark Crafts Kids Can Make for Mother's Day

What you will need:
3-D Foam Flowers
Hole Punches
How to Make the Foam Bookmarks:
1. Cut bookmark shapes from craft foam 2 1/2" by 8" is a good size and decorate them with 3-D flowers, gemstones, feathers, and foam shapes.
2. To make the laced edges punch holes about 3/4" apart all the way around the border. Cut foam into 1/4" wide strips and lace them through the holes.
3. To make the fancy hole-punched border punch flower shapes or other pretty shapes all the way around the edge of the bookmark and then glue another, slightly larger piece of foam to the back of the bookmark.
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
3-D Flower Pin Craft Kids Can Make for Mother's Day

What you will need:
3-D Foam Flowers
How to Make the Foam Bookmarks:
1. To make the leaves cut pipe cleaners into five-inch pieces and bend them in half. Glue them to the back of the 3-D flowers.
2. To finish stick adhesive bar safety pins to the back of the flowers.
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Foam Confetti Picture Frame Craft Kids Can Make for Mother's Day

What you will need:
Foam Confetti Collage Material
3-D Foam Flowers
Flowers Hearts & Bug Foam Shapes
Aleene's Tacky Glue and Low Temp Mini Glue Gun
How to Make the Foam Confetti Frame:
1. Cut a piece of cardboard the size you would like your frame or use a pre-made frame.
2. Spread a thick coat of tacky glue all over the frame. Place the frame on a piece of paper larger than the frame and drop the confetti over the frame so that it completely covers the glue. Press down on the confetti to stick it to the frame.
3. After the glue has dried pick up the frame and tap it on the piece of paper. Use the piece of paper to place the unused confetti back in the bag.
4. Wrap striped pipe cleaners around the frame and glue or tape them to the back of the frame.
5. Cut leaf shapes from green craft foam and glue them to the frame. Glue foam flower shapes near the leaves.
6. To finish glue a picture to the back of the frame.
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Mother's Day Flower Trinket Box

What you will need:
3-D Foam Flowers
Acrylic Patio Paint - (My Favorite Paint)
How to Make the Trinket Boxes:
1. Paint the boxes with acrylic paint and let them dry.
2. Bend a pipe cleaner into leaf shapes and glue it to the top of the box.
3. Glue a 3-D foam flower on top. You can make your own 3-D flowers by gluing foam flower stickers on top of each other. The petals were overlapped and glued together more and more for each layer. The flower stickers used are Darice Foamies Blacklight Flower Stickers.
4. Add glitter to the flowers to make them sparkle.
Mirror Mother's Day Craft for Kids to Make

What you will need:
Handheld Mirror that has a Flat or Almost Flat Surface on the Back
Pretty Pictures from Old Greetings Cards
Decorative Items like Button, Sequins, Silk Flowers, Beads, etc.,
Hole punch
How to Make the Mother's Day Craft:
1. Cut a picture or pictures from used greeting cards and glue them to the back of a mirror. (To make the picture last you can paint a clear varnish over the top of the picture or spray paint it with clear spray paint.)
2. Decorate the rest of the mirror with sequins, gems, bead, silk flowers, ribbon, rickrack, etc.
3. Cut a small card from card stock or part of a greeting card and punch a hole in the top left-hand corner. Write the following poem on the card and then tie it to the mirror as shown in the picture to the right.
When you look in this mirror
what do you see?
I hope you see what I see --
a mom who will always
be beautiful to me.
Written by Carolyn Warvel
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - You may link to this craft, but do not copy and post this poem or craft on another web site without permission.
Pot of Foam Flowers Craft for Mother's Day

What you will need:
3-D Foam Flowers
Heart and Flower Foam Stickers
Foam Confetti Collage Material
9-oz. Paper Cup
How to Make the Pot of Flowers:
1. Press about one inch of play dough inside the paper cup.
2. Glue craft foam flowers, hearts, and bug shapes to the pipe cleaners.
3. To make the hearts textured glue the foam confetti to the hearts.
4. Stick the pipe cleaner stems into the clay.
Designed by Corrin Burner
©2013, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Mother's Day Crafts on Other Pages
Mother's Day Crafts on other Web Sites
Enchanting Learning - Mother's Day coupon cards, butterfly card, pop-up flower garden card and a hanging wall pocket from paper plates.
DLTK - You will find: Mother's Dad Cards, Coloring Pages, and don't miss the beautiful coffee filter flowers.