Mother's Day Bible Crafts and Activities
Bible Crafts and Activities Relating to Mothers and Mother's Day
"Mothers Are Important Too" Bible Lesson and Craft Ideas
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Mother's Are Imp-ortant Too" on The Resource Room, a members-only site for Sunday school teachers. It is also available as an instant download. This lesson is appropriate for 4th and 5th grade.
Teaching Concept: There are many stories in the Bible about important people and events such as the creation of the world and God sending his only son to save the world from sin, but sometimes we forget about the important women in the Bible and the roles they played in God's plan for the world. Mother's day is a great day to think about how these mothers might have felt.

This lesson is taught using a series of pictures (or one picture) of five mothers and sentence cards that describe each mother. (Each picture is available in color or black and white, and can be used as coloring sheets.) Before class teachers print out the pictures of the mothers and staple them to the bulletin board. In class children take turns picking one of the sentence cards, reading it and placing it under the appropriate picture. Children think about and share how they think these mothers might have felt.

Patterns available in black and white and in color to be printed on legal-sized paper.
Act Out Bible Stories
The teacher assigns groups of children Bible references about different mothers. The children read the stories and then act out the story from the mother's perspective for their classmates.
"Who Am I?" Game
The teacher or a student reads short paragraphs written from the Bible mother's perspective and the students try to guess who the paragraph is describing.
Mother Hugging Child Paper Craft
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy paper, but if you don't have it printer paper will work.)
Colored Pencils or Crayons
Clear Tape and/or Tacky Glue
How to Make the Mother Hugging Child Paper Craft:
1. Before class print out the patterns on to card stock or printer paper.
2. In class have your children color the patterns, cut them out, and then tape them together. The mother is taped together in the front and the child in the back. Fold up the feet. The child paper doll can be placed in the mother's arms by bringing it up through the bottom of the mother paper doll.
"How to Say I Love You" Bible Lesson for Older Children
In this lesson children learn what it means to love someone and how to express their love to their mothers. Many objects are used such as candy, a clock, a compass, a measuring tape and others, to represent different ways our mothers show us love. These objects are also used in a memory game to review the lesson and to study the Bible verses that go with this lesson from 1 Cor. 13.
Play a Family Feud Type Game
Before class write at the top of the board "What Your Mother Does to Show You She Loves You". Under the title write the numbers one through five.
Tell your children as they walk in that you are going to have a contest. Give them each a piece of paper and tell them to write down the numbers one through five on their papers. Tell them that you have a list of the five most mentioned things that mothers do to show us that they love us. You want everyone to write down what they think are the top five things that they think the people surveyed have picked. The student that gets the most right will get a prize.
What Your Mother Does to Show You She Loves You:
1. She tells me she loves me.
2. She hugs and kisses me.
3. She teaches me.
4. Spend times with me.
5. She takes care of me.
All of the above crafts and activities including a complete lesson are available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download for $2.95.
Mother's Day Poem Craft
Children color and glue the following poem onto a 10-inch doily:
"Mother, When I see all the things you do
I can tell your love for me is true.
I thank God He gave me you.
I love you through and through."
What you will need:
Ten-inch Doilies
Printer Paper
Large Pieces of Construction Paper
What to do:
1. Print out the pattern onto printer paper.
Instant Download Lesson - - Includes 1 Pattern as shown.
2. Color the pattern with markers or colored pencils and then cut it out.
3. Glue the circle onto a paper doily and then glue the doily onto a pretty piece of construction paper.
Mother's Day Poem and Stationery
What to do:
1. Print out the pattern onto printer paper.
Available in a pattern with poem and without the poem
Instant Download Lesson - - Includes 2 patterns, one with words and one without.
2. Color the pattern with colored pencils or markers.
3. Write a letter or poem to your mother.
©2005, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed all of the things you have on your site. I am a Sunday School teacher of 4-7 year olds and we are always making things. My children love to do hands on things and they have really been enjoying all of the things and learning from them. I am a member of the resource room and I have been telling everyone about you. Thanks for all you do and God Bless. Barbara Smith
Mother Bird with Chicks Picture
This craft has a sign saying "Mom, thank you for taking care of me" hanging down from the bottom of the picture." (Sign not pictured.) This craft is available to members only.
What you will need:
Heavy Paper
Crayons and Markers
Dried Leaves
Straw or Dry Grass
Chenille Stems
Exacto Knife (Optional)
How to make:
1. Print out the bird pattern and sign pattern onto heavy paper.
2. Collect leaves and press them in a heavy book between sheets of waxed paper. Collect some dried grass or straw.
3. Color the picture and then glue dried leaves on the branches and grass on the nest.
4. Cut a hole on each side of the mama bird's beak. Cut a piece of brown pipe cleaner about 2 to 3 inches long and stick in through the hole to make it look like the bird is holding a worm.
5. Cut out the sign and tape or tie it to the bottom of the picture.
©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Vase with Flowers
What you will need:
Crayons or Markers
Light Blue Construction Paper or Printer Paper
Silk Flowers with all the Plastic Parts Removed (You can buy silk flowers at second hand stores very cheaply.)
Buttons, Pompoms, or Any Other Decorative Things You can Think of. (If you don't want to use silk flowers, you can use fun foam flowers instead.) (Don't use buttons with children three and younger.)
How to Make The Vase Craft:
1. Before class draw a picture of a vase at the bottom of a piece of paper and make copies. You can also let your children draw their own vase. Or you can use the vase pattern.
2. Prepare the silk flowers and leaves by pulling them off the stems and removing any plastic parts.
3. Give each child a piece of construction paper and the vase pattern. Show them how to glue the vase to the construction paper. Have them draw stems coming out of the vase. Then have them glue on some leaves and then the flowers. Finish with buttons, pompoms, or other decorative items.
4. Help the children write a message to their mom or other caregiver.
©2003, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Mothers Day Crafts on Other Pages
See the Mother's Day Page for craft ideas.
Mothers Day Activities
1. Play "Simon Says" but Use "Mother Says" instead - Our three year olds loved this game, and they all wanted to take a turn being the mother.
2. Practice being a good mother - Bring in baby dolls, clothes, towels, wash cloths, soap, diapers, etc. Show the children how to take care of a baby.
Mother's Day Songs
"I'm Going to Help
My Mom (maybe)"
(Sung to: The Eensy Weensy Spider)
I'm going to help my Mom 'cause today is Mother's Day.
D A7
I'll help to cook and clean and I won't go out and play!
D A7 D
But, look the sun is shining and my friends are calling me,
D A7
Are you okay without me Mom? ~ it's an EMERGENCY!
© Mary Flynn
(Sung to: B-I-N-G-O)
There is someone that I love best!
And Mommy is her name - o.
A7 D
And Mommy is her name - o .
© Mary Flynn
©2005, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
If you like this song, consider purchasing "Praise 4 God ~ Just 4 Kids©" a collection of more than 75 simple songs and poems of praise.