"Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lesson Series
Noah and the Tower of Babel Lesson 2
Wise and Foolish Builders - Noah and The Tower of Babel Lesson 2
The following Bible lesson comes from the Bible Series "Wise and Foolish Builders". This series contains four lessons: Building on the Rock, Tower of Bable and Noah, King Solomon Builds the Temple and Hiram Builds the Temple Furniture. This series uses blocks to present the lessons, make crafts and activities that reinforce the lessons and in Bible verse review games.
This is the second lesson in the Building on the Rock Bible Lessons Series. This series of lessons uses Maxim Enterprise PlaySkool ABC Blocks with Bag (40-Piece) and PlaySkool C/N Blocks (80-Piece).
This lesson was designed for both preschool and older children, use the material that is appropriate for your children's +skill level.
Bible Verse:
"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and under-standing." Proverbs 2:6
Scripture References: Genesis 5-11 - Noah and the Ark and the Tower of Babel
Teaching Concept: When we listen to God and follow his commands we will be rewarded for our obedience, but if we don't listen to God and do what we want instead, we will suffer the consequences. Children learn more about wisdom and how they can gain wisdom through the examples of more wise and foolish builders.
Build Towers Bible Lesson Activity
Place your children in groups of three or four and give each group the same amount of blocks. Tell them to work together to build the highest tower they can with the blocks. When the groups are done building compare the towers to see which group made the tallest tower.
"Who Were the Wise and Foolish Builders" Coloring Sheet

In class have your children color the picture.
As they work ask them what they know about Noah and the Tower of Babel, who they think was a wise
or foolish builder, and why they think that way. Tell your children that they will find out who the wise and foolish builders were during the lesson.
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Noah's Ark and The Tower of Babel Block Puzzles

What you will need:
This series of lessons uses Maxim Enterprise PlaySkool ABC Blocks with Bag (40-Piece) and PlaySkool C/N Blocks (80-Piece).
Elmer's Rubber Cement (Optional)
What to do:
1. Before class print out the block patterns, cut them out, and glue them to the ABC Blocks. If you don't have blocks, you can just print out the patterns onto card stock and then cut them apart, and have your children use the pieces like a flat puzzle.
*Note - If you use the Elmer's Rubber Cement, you can remove the pictures without damaging the blocks. The images will pill off, and you can rub the remaining glue off the blocks with your fingers. When using rubber cement, place glue on the block and the back of the image. Let the glue set for at least half a minute and then attach the picture to the block.
These patterns are available in three different levels of difficulty and are available to members on The Resource Room:
Easy Puzzles - (Preschool Level - Two blocks for each puzzle) - Noah's Ark and Tower of Babel
Medium Puzzle - (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade - Three blocks for each puzzle) - Noah's Ark and Tower of Babel
Hard Puzzle - (Third - Fifth Grade - Four blocks for each puzzle) - Noah's Ark and Tower of Babel
2. In class let your children practice putting the puzzles together. Challenge them to put them together as fast as they can.
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Bible Lesson Review Games
Use the following review questions to play one of the following games.
Game 1 - Building a Tower Game
Object of the game - to build the tallest tower
How to Play - Divide your children up into teams. Place some blocks or paper cups in the center of a table. Take turns asking the groups of children questions. If the team answers a question correctly, they get to add a block to their tower. If they are incorrect, they must remove a block or cup from their tower. If the tower falls over, they may not rebuild it, but start from what is left standing.
If you have older children, you can divide your children up into two teams and see which team can build the tallest tower by answering questions correctly.
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Game 2 - Tower of Babel Toss Game
Object of the game - to get the most points by throwing a penny on the game board and answering a question correctly.
Preparation - Print out the game board and tape the two patterns together. To make the game easier for younger children, you can place the game board against a wall and use cardboard to make sides. (The printable patterns for this game are available to members on The Resource Room in both color and black and white.)
How to Play - Divide your children up into teams. Give one player a penny and let him or her try to throw the penny on game board. Ask the child or team a question. If it is answered correctly, the team gets the points indicated on the game board. Keep playing until the children know all the answers to the questions.
Questions: (Adapt the questions to the age of your children.)
1. Last week we learned about two builders. What did we call the builders? The wise and foolish builder
2. Where did the wise man build his house? On the rock.
3. Where did the foolish man build his house? On the sand.
4. What happened to the house built on the rock when it started to rain?
5. What happened to the house built on the sand when it started to rain?
6. If we listen to God and obey, are we like the wise man or the foolish man?
(More questions on The Resource Room.)
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Block Puzzle Relay Race Game

Use the Noah's Ark block puzzle and the Tower of Babel Block puzzles, above, to play a relay game, or timed game.
Time your teams or individuals to see who can put the puzzles together the fastest.
Discover How to Gain Wisdom Cube Review Game
1. Before class print out the cube pattern. Fold all the lines up and then glue the cube together with Elmer's Rubber cement.
2. Let your children take turns throwing the cube to find out how they can get wisdom.
3. After the child has thrown the cube, read the word on the top, ask the following question corresponding to that word and have the child look up the Bible verse to see if he or she has answered correctly.
Keep playing until all the words have been reviewed. If a child throws a word that has already been review, just ask him the corresponding question to see if he or she knows the answer.
Listen and Do - Listen to whom? Do what? The Bible tells us to listen to God's words and do what they say.
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:" Matthew 7:24
Look - Look for what? - The Bible tells us if we should look for wisdom like we search for treasure.
'Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; 4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hidden treasures;" Proverbs 2:3-4
Fear - Fear who? - The Bible tells us that we should fear God. When we respect God we can become wise.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7
(More Bible verses on The Resource Room.)
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