Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lesson Series
“Hiram, Another Wise Builder” - Lesson 4
“Hiram, Another Wise Builder” - Lesson 4

This is the fourth lesson in the Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lessons Series. This series of lessons uses ABC Blocks and PlaySkool Wooden Building Blocks.
This lesson was designed for both preschool and older children. Use the material that is appropriate for your children's skill level. The complete lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
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Bible Verse:
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Colossians 3:23, KJV
Scripture References: 1 Kings 6-8, 2 Chronicles 4 - Hiram Builds the Temple Furnishings
Teaching Concept: Children learn from Hiram's example that it is wise to do everything as though they are doing it for the Lord.
Children Use Blocks to Build a Wall Around the Temple Courtyard
In class show your children pictures of Solomon's temple and point out the different sections: the courtyard, the porch, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. Have your children use blocks to build a wall around the temple pattern. If you don't have blocks, you can use pieces of cardboard. You can also use the two pillars from last weeks lesson.
"And Whatsoever ye do, do it Heartily" Bible Verse Coloring Sheet
As you children color the sheet, ask them what they think the children are doing in the pictures. Ask them how they can do that activity "heartily as to the Lord". Ask them to give you example as doing something "heartily and not heartily".
As the children work on coloring the letters talk about what the children are doing in the pictures and how they can do these things as if they are doing them for the Lord.
Instant Digital Download - - Complete Lesson
"Place the Furnishing in the Temple" Bible Lesson Review Game
Break your class up into two or more teams. Collect all the furnishings from the temple template and place them in a pile. Pick one team to start, and don't let the other team/teams watch as you time the team to see how long it takes the team to place all the furnishings in the temple. You can also have them build a wall around the temple to make the game last longer. If a furnishing is out of place, tell the team to correct the problem before you stop timing. The team that finishes in the shortest time wins.
The Molten Sea - Made from a paper cup painted gold and wooden blocks.
Hiram Builds Two Bronze Pillars - Boaz and Jachin made from children's blocks and paper capitals.
Hiram Builds the Furnishing for King Solomon's Temple: Altar of Incense, Golden Altar, Bronze Basins and Stands and Golden Lampstands.
Instant Digital Download - - Complete Lesson
"Grab the Block" Bible Verse Review Game
1. Before class write words from the Bible verse on pieces of masking tape and stick them to the blocks. (Make more than one set of blocks.) Place the blocks in the center of the table so that all the children can reach them.
2. As you say a word from the verse tell your children to grab only the blocks with the word you say. Say words that don't belong to the verse to confuse the children. Or say the words in the wrong order so children who grab too soon will have to listen more carefully. If a child grabs a block before you say it, or grabs the wrong block, he must put all his blocks back on the table. Keep playing until all the blocks are taken.
“Place the Temple Furnishing” Bible Lesson Review Game
Break your class up into two or more teams. Collect all the furnishings from the temple template and place them in a pile. Pick one team to start, and don’t let the other team/teams watch as you time the team to see how long it takes the team to place all the furnishings in the temple. You can also have them build a wall around the temple to make the game last longer. If a furnishing is out of place, tell the team to correct the problem before you stop timing. The team that finishes in the shortest time wins.
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The Lord is My Rock
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