Church-themed Crafts and Activities For Sunday School
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Church Including: We Are Church Activity Sheet, Build a Church Stickers, Stained Glass Window Craft, Church Action Rhyme
"Here's The Church" Envelope Craft
Here is the church,
Here is the steeple,
Open the door and see all the people!
Children color and cut out the patterns for the windows, door, cross and glue them to the envelope pattern.
They draw pictures of the people who attend their church on the inside of the envelope.
Talk to the children about the importance of attending church regularly and belonging to the church family. Tell them that we often think of the church as a building, but the church is actually those who believe in Christ.
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"We Are the Church" Activity Sheet
Note: The Bible verse on the picture is, “Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.” Eph. 1:23
Copyright 2010, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Stained Glass Windows Church Activity Sheet
What you will need:
Printer paper
Markers or Colored Pencils
Clear Contact Paper (Optional)
Different Colors of Tissue Paper
How to Make Church Activity Sheet:
1. Before class print out the Church Pattern and make copies. Cut up tissue paper into tiny pieces, less than one inch. Cut contact paper into pieces that are just a little bigger than the windows of the church.
2. In class have your children color the church picture and then cut out the windows.
3. Give each child three pieces of contact paper. Peel the back off of one of the pieces and show your children how to stick the tissue paper to the sticky side of the contact paper. Tell them to try not to stick the tissue to the side of the paper so that they can stick the contact paper with the tissue on the back of their pictures to cover the windows. If you don’t have contact paper you can just have your children glue the tissue paper to other paper and then cut out the shapes of the windows and glue them to the church pattern.
Copyright 2010, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
I am tickled with the ideas I find on your website! I work with small children one Saturday per month and although I don't always use the lesson, the craft is always a hit. When I am inspired by the Lord to use a particular subject, I can find support material at The Resource Room. When I don't feel so inspired, I browse your website and always find the perfect material! I also purchased your book and it is a great saver when unexpected occasions arise. May the Lord continue to use you to spread His word. Jessie
Stained Glass Window Church Craft
Even very young children will enjoy this project. Two and three year old children will enjoy making the stained glass window paper and coloring the church. You can complete the rest of the project for them.

What you will need: Paper, Paint, Glue, Crayons
How to make a stained Glass Window Church:
1. Print out steeple and roof patterns onto white cardstock and the bottom of the church onto legal-sized paper. Cut on the solid lines only.
2. If you want to make the stained glass windows cut out the windows.
3. Make the stained glass paper (directions follow) or color the windows.
4. Paint or color the church and steeple.
5. Fold all the dotted lines on the patterns back except the bottom part of the church with the words.
6. Glue the bottom of the church together. Fold the roof pattern in half and glue it to the top of the church pattern.
7. To make the bottom of the steeple fold all the dotted lines back and glue it together to form a square. Glue it to the roof on the triangle shapes formed by folding back the triangle tabs.
8. To make the top of the steeple fold back on all the dotted lines.Glue it together and glue it to the bottom of the steeple.
Stained Glass Directions
6. To make the stained glass put blobs of different colors of paint on a sheet of paper.
7. Fold the paper in half and rub. Open and let dry.
8. After paper is dry cut paper to fit into window.
9. Glue stained glass to inside of the church so that the painted side can be seen through the windows.
Copyright 2004, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
I have been teaching Sunday School and Children's church for over 30 years in various places (my husband was military). I use active "hands on" activities and dress in costumes etc. But I have been doing this for so long I was beginning to feel a little dry. Now I have your web site and the new ideas have just been what God has ordered to get my creative juices going for His Glory once again. Thank you I appreciate this site and all the wonderful ideas. PTL Nancy Eldridge
Church Action Rhyme

This is a very old poem, but you never forget it.
Here is the church
( Children intertwine their finger so that the fingers are inside their hands.)

Here is the steeple
( Children put their two pinkie finger up to form the steeple.)

Open the doors and see all the people
(Children turn their hands inside out.)
Here is a new version I wrote - "Here is the church, here is the steeple, but it wouldn't be a church without all the people."
Copyright 2004, Digital by Design, Inc - See copyright information
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have used the free crafts on your site for about a year now, and I just subscribed to the resource room and bought the We Can Learn e-book. What a wonderful resource for my preschool class at church!!! You have been used mightily in the work we are doing in Elkton, SD, and I hope to continue with the blessing your website has been.
Color-by-Number Cross Stained Glass Window Activity Sheet

Copyright 2020, Digital by Design, Inc - See copyright information
When I first started teaching at my church. I was really nervous because I was not organized, not knowing how or what to teach I was ready to give up because I did not want to be one of those teachers that just give the children something to color. I really wanted them to learn. Well I came across this website and every Wednesday I am excited going into class and teaching your lessons. I thank God first and thank you because you have been a blessing in my life as well as the children. Tammy
See Also Stained Glass Window Crafts