Puppet and Puppet Skits
Puppet and Puppet Skits for Sunday School and Children's Ministry

Christmas Puppet Skits
Jungle Animals Learn About Christmas
Free - Puppet Skit
A Puppet Script for Three Puppets and a Leader
Stan - a grumpy, boisterous Gorilla Puppet
Snake - a happy-go-lucky Crocodile Puppet
Elie - a sweet-natured Elephant Puppet
Jungle animals learn that Christmas isn't about snow, Santa Claus, or getting presents, but about love. God loved us so much that he sent his son to die for us and save us for our sins.
Elijah Puppet Skits
Elijah Fed by the Ravens

Free - Elijah and the Ravens - This skit uses a raven puppet that squawks and the following items, a clock or watch, picture of Elijah, crown, spray bottle, statue (idol), food, and the Bible verse written on a piece of paper.
Polly the Raven is related to one of the ravens that fed Elijah. Polly tell about what happens using items relating to the story and the teacher interprets what he is trying to say. The puppet make squawks but does not say anything.
Friends Puppet Skits
Good Friends Don't Break Promises Puppet Skit

Free - Good Friends Don't Break Promises
Cast: Two dog puppets - See dog crafts for puppet ideas
Wrinkles and Sparky learn that friends don't break promises. The story of Zaccheus and his friend Jesus is discussed. (Written by Barbara Robinson)
Friends Share Puppet Skit
Free - Friends Share
Cast: Two dogs (Wrinkles and Sparky) and a person.
Purchase this dog puppet from Amazon.com - The Puppet Company Border Collie Long Sleeved Glove Puppet
Two dogs learn what it means to "Love your neighbor as yourself. (Barbara Robinson)
Bible Verse: "This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12
Friends Forgive Puppet Skit
Free - Friends Forgive with Wrinkles and Sparky
Cast: Two dog puppets
Purchase this dog puppet from Amazon.com - Cute Shar-Pei Dog Velour Plush Hand Puppet
Children learn that teasing can hurt peoples' feelings. They learn how to forgive. This lesson goes with the Bible lesson - Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman from Luke 7:36-50
Best Friends
Free - Best Friends with Wrinkles and Sparky II
Purchase this dog puppet from Amazon.com - Scruff Dog Body Puppet 14" by Aurora
Cast: Two dogs (Wrinkles and Sparky) and a person.
This is another Wrinkles and Sparky puppet skit, with a serious theme, meant to go with a lesson about Jesus, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus from Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:1-44.
Fruit of the Spirit Puppet Skits
Fruit of the Spirit Love Puppet Skit

Free - Love Puppet Skit and Bible lesson with Squirmy the Worm
Make Squirmy the Worm puppet from socks.
Squirmy the Worm Puppet and your students learn about God's love. God is compared to a gardener who has great plans for his children. They learn that God planned to make them before they were even born, he knew exactly what he wanted them to look like, and he loves them and wants them to be happy, and healthy, and grow up to be wonderful people just like Jesus.
Fruit of the Spirit Joy Puppet Skit

Joy Puppet Skit with Squirmy Worm (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Make Squirmy the Worm puppet from socks.
Squirmy Worm brings back his potted plant, but he is sad because the plant didn't grow. He learns that we can be happy in all situations even when things don't go our way because we can trust God to work out his plan for us.
Children also learn that Paul and Silas rejoiced even in bad times.
Fruit of the Spirit Peace Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Lesson and Puppet Skit (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns that we don't have to worry. We can be at peace knowing that God cares about us.
Fruit of the Spirit Patience Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Patience Puppet Skit (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns that God knows what is best for us and answers our prayers in his own time and in his own way. We must learn to wait and trust God to carry out his plans for our lives. (Available to members only.)
Fruit of the Spirit Gentleness Puppet Skit

Fruit of the Spirit Gentleness Puppet Skit (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns about gentleness. Children learn about Paul.
Fruit of the Spirit Goodness Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Goodness (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm has goodness and kindness growing in his heart. Children learn about Tabitha.
Fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns the importance of faithfulness. Children learn about Daniel's faith from Daniel 6 .
Fruit of the Spirit Meekness Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Meekness (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns what it means to be meek. (Available to members only.)
Fruit of the Spirit Self-control/Temperance Puppet Skit
Fruit of the Spirit Self-control/Temperance Puppet Skit (This puppet skit is available to members on The Resource Room.)
Squirmy the Worm learns why we need self-control. Children learn about the Pharisee and the Publican.
Moses Puppet Skits
God is With Us Puppet Skit

God is With Us Puppet Skit and Sunday School Lesson
Timothy Turtle learns that God protects us and is with us where ever we go. Children learn about the story of Baby Moses from Exodus 1-3.
Make a turtle sock puppet for this puppet skit or purchase this turtle puppet from Amazon.com - Folkmanis Turtle Hand Puppet
Good News Puppet Skits
Tell the Good News
Free - Blackeye the Sailor Dog learns that Jesus loves him. One dog with black eye and an adult. (Barbara Robinson)
Servin' God
Free -Blackeye the Sailor Dog II serves Jesus by telling others about him. (Barbara Robinson)
Last Supper/ Lord's Supper Puppet Skits
Wrinkles & Sparky Remember
Free - A Wrinkles and Sparky Puppet Skit. Jesus gave us special things to remember him. Written by Barbara Robinson
Miracles Puppet Skits
Wrinkles & Sparky Learn About the Blind Man
Free - A Wrinkles and Sparky Puppet Skit about Jesus healing a blink man based on John 9. Written by Barbara Robinson
Parable of the Sower Puppet Skits

Get the Rocks Out!
Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23, Rocky the Puppet teaches children about Listening to God's Words.
Power Puppet Skits
Super Sparky
Free - A Wrinkles and Sparky Puppet Skit about Jesus' power over nature. Making life application of Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms the Storm. Written by Barbara Robinson
Psalms Twenty-Three
Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is My Shepherd
A Psalm 23:1 Skit - Free Sample Lesson - Woolie tells about how the Good Shepherd loves us and gives us everything we need.
Psalm 23:2 - He Makes Me Lie Down

A Psalm 23:2 Skit - Woolie learns that God knows what is good for us even if we don't. Sometimes it seems like God isn't listening to us or answering our prayers like we want him to, but God knows what is best for us. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it.
Psalm 23:3 - He Leads Me
A Psalm 23:3 Skit - Woolie gets hurt because he didn't follow the Good Shepherd. Children learn that God leads us through his word, through prayer, and the Holy Spirit. He tells us how to live so that we will be happy and successful.
Psalm 23:4 - I Will Fear No Evil
A Psalm 23:4 Skit - Woolie pretends to be the Good Shepherd. We don't have to be afraid because God is watching over us. He protects and comforts us when we are afraid.
Psalm 23:5 - I Am Special
A Psalm 23:5 Skit - Woolie show that the Good Shepherd thinks she is special. Children learn that we are special to God. He shows us we are special by providing for our needs and giving us even more than we need.
Psalm 23:6 - Goodness and Mercy
A Psalm 23:6 Skit - Woolie brings her good friends, Goodness and Mercy, to class. Children learn that when we follow the Good Shepherd goodness and mercy will follow us.
Wrinkles and Sparky Learn About Good News/Bad News
Free - Wrinkles and Sparky Skit - Written by Barbara Robinson
Zaccheus Puppet Skits
Good Friends Don't Break Promises
Free With Wrinkles and Spark - Children learn that good friends don't break promises and learn about Zaccheus and his friend Jesus. (Barbara Robinson)