Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lesson Series
King Solomon Builds the Temple - Lesson 3
A Very Wise and Foolish Builder - King Solomon Builds the Temple Lesson 3

This is the third lesson in the Building on the Rock Bible Lessons Series. This series of lessons uses Maxim Enterprise PlaySkool ABC Blocks with Bag (40-Piece) and PlaySkool C/N Blocks (80-Piece).
This lesson was designed for both preschool and older children, use the material that is appropriate for your children's skill level. The Complete Lesson is available to members on The Resource Room.
Bible Verse:
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain." Psalm 127:1
Scripture References: 1 Kings 1-9, 1 Kings 11:1-13 - King Solomon Builds the Temple
Teaching Concept: God blessed Solomon with great wisdom and riches and choose him to build the first temple because he was pleased with Solomon. Solomon was known for his wisdom concerning right and wrong, and plants and animals, yet his foolish disobedience caused the eventual downfall of the temple and Jerusalem.
Really cool lesson! I love it when I can learn something new too. Thank you. Kayte
Crafts and Learning Activities
3D Picture of King Solomon's Temple with Pillars

What you will need:
Card Stock and White Printer Pater
Colored Pencils
Tacky Glue (Don't use school glue because it isn't sticky enough.) and Scissors
How to Make:
1. Before class print out the Pillar Patterns and King Solomon Patterns (This page also has patterns for the next activity) on to white paper and cut them out.
2. Print out the Temple Pattern onto card stock.
3. In class have your children color the temple, pillars and King Solomon. Tell them that the pillars were made out of bronze; the door to the temple was made out of carved wood and overlaid with gold. The outside of the temple was cut stone.
4. After the children have colored their pictures, fold back the sides of the pillars and roll them into cylinder shapes so that they are rounded. Place glue on the picture where the pillar should go and on the folded edges of the pillars. Stick one side of the pillar to the paper pressing it down and then stick the other side to the paper. Use a pencil to stick the other side of the pillar to the picture, by placing the pencil inside the pillar and pressing the folded edge down to the picture. Do the same for the other pillar.
5. Fold back the bottom of King Solomon so it he stand up in front of the temple.
Psalm 127:1 - Unless the House is Built on the Lord Bible Verse Activity Sheet
Children color the words to the Bible verse to help them remember the verse. Available in both KJV and NIV.
Use Blocks to Build Replicas of Solomon's Temple or Parts of the Temple

1. Before class print out pictures of King Solomon's temple from the Internet. Place them on the table with the blocks.
2. Print out the Temple Pattern onto card stock (Heavy paper). You can color the temple before class or let your children color them in class. Glue the temple pictures to cereal boxes or other boxes so they will stand up. Do not cut off the bottom of the pattern it is raised so that three blocks can be placed in front of the temple to make steps.
3. Print out the Capitals and King Solomon Pattern (If you haven't printed them out for the other craft). Color the capitals, cut them out and tape them to the top of short cylinder blocks. Cut out King Solomon, color him, and fold back the tab so he will stand up. Instead of using the paper King Solomon, you could use wooden pegs instead.
4. As your children arrive tell them that they will be learning about a very wise and foolish builder who built a temple for the Lord. Ask them to use the blocks to build a temple similar to Solomon's temple. Answer any questions they may have about the pictures.
To build the steps as shown in the picture use the long rectangular blocks to make the center steps. The first step is one block high the second, two blocks high, and the third is three blocks high. To make the sides of the steps use the short rectangle blocks piling them up similar to the center steps except make them one block higher than the center blocks.
Boaz and Jachin Bible Verse Review Game

Before class write the Bible verse on pieces of masking tape and cut them apart. Use the capital patterns from King Solomon's pillar craft above. Stack five or six blocks on top of each other making two pillars with capitals on the top. (I had to use one block that was twice as tall as the others.) Cut the words apart and stick them to the cylinder-shaped blocks. Tape the words on the block pillar in order so that the first six words "Unless the Lord builds the house"
are on the first pillar from bottom to top, (put "Unless the" on the taller block) and the second five words "the builders labor in vain Psalm 127:1" (Put the words "the builders" on the taller block) on the second pillar.
Older Children - Before the game explain to the children that the names of the pillars, Boaz and Jachin, had meaning other than just a name. Boaz means "by His strength" and Jachin means "God will establish". So the pillars give God the credit for the building of the temple meaning Solomon would not have been able to build it without God's help.
In class separate your children into teams and time them to see which team can build the two pillars in the shortest amount of time. If you have colored blocks, you may want to change the words around so that the children who haven't played yet don't memorize the blocks in order of the colors.
Younger Children - If you have younger children who can't read, you can just use the blocks to build two pillars. See which team can build the highest pillar.
King Solomon "Find the Word" Bible Lesson Review Game
Here's a fun way to review a lesson! Children search as fast as they can for the word or words on the activity sheet that answers the questions about the Bible lesson.
Bible Lesson Review Game
Break your children up into teams. Using the cylinder-shaped blocks take turns asking the teams questions from this lesson and the previous lessons. If a team gets a question correct, a team member gets to add a block to the pillar. The team with the highest pillar wins. If a team member knocks over part of the pillar, he may not rebuild the pillar. The team must start from the highest block left on the pillar.
Act Out the Story
Encourage your children to act out parts of the story using the King Solomon paper doll or have them make their characters using peg dolls. This story spans about ten chapters so you can assign groups of children a chapter or parts of chapters to act out or illustrate.
Younger children can act out the part of the story where King Solomon kneels to pray for the people and then stands up and addresses the crowd.
More Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lessons
The Lord is My Rock
Lesson - 1
Lesson - 2
Lesson - 4