Bible Games for Sunday School - Page 4
Active Bible Verse Review Games for Sunday School
Pass the Items Review Game and What's Missing Game

You will need:
Gather Items that Relate to Your Bible Story in Some Way (Then Play the Games below. Following is an example we used to the story of Moses)
A Leaf from a Bush (Burning Bush)
Stuffed Sheep (Moses as a Shepherd in Midian)
Sandals (God tells Moses to take his sandals off)
Pipe Cleaner Staff (God told Moses to throw down his staff)
Snake (Moses' staff turns into a snake)
Paper Pyramid (God told Moses to go back to Egypt)
Cup (God told Moses to take some water from the Nile River and pour it on the ground. It will turn to blood)
How to Play:
Have your children sit in a circle on the floor. Hand out all the items, and then have them pass the items around the circle as you play some music for a few minutes. When the music stops call out the name of one item. The child who is holding that items should then tell you and the class how it relates to the story. Keep playing until you have reviewed each item.
Missing Item Review Game:
Display the items from the lesson in front of the room. Tell your children to turn around and close their eyes while you remove and hide one of the items. Then tell them to turn around and raise their hands if they think they know which item is missing. Call on a child to tell which item is missing and how it relates to the story.
Musical Chairs Bible Lesson Review Game for Sunday School

What you will need:
Sticky Notes
How to Play:
1. Before class set up the chairs like you would for musical chairs except use one chair for each child.
2. Write the Bible verse, one word per page, on the sticky notes.
3. Review the Bible verse. If you have children that can't read, write the verse on the board as you review. Stick the sticky note words to the back of the chairs in any order.
4. Play like musical chairs, except each time the music stops, go over the Bible verse. To start have your children tell you what the first word of the Bible verse is. The child who is sitting in the seat with that word should take the sticky note off the chair and place it on the board. On the next round the child who is sitting on the chair with the second word of the verse takes it off and places it next to the first word. Keep playing until the whole verse is complete.
You can find more fun Bible verse review games on The Resource Room! Every Sunday School lesson includes a Bible verse review game, crafts, and activities to reinforce the lesson.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Hot Potato" Bible Verse Review Game
1. Before class write the memory verse on a piece of paper and then fold it up. (You don't have to use paper, you can just pick a random object such as a ball if you would like.)
2. Review the Bible verse.
3. Have the children sit in a circle and then play this game like "Hot Potato". Play some music and stop it randomly while the children pass around the paper (ball) with the Bible verse written on it. Whoever is holding the verse when the music stops has to read it. Continue until everyone has had a turn.
Write all the words on pieces of paper or other objects, and have the children pass all the cards at once. When the music stops, call out a word from the verse. The child who is holding that word, gets to tape it to the board. Keep playing until all the cards are taped to the board.
Hopscotch Bible Lessons Review Game or Verse Review Game for Sunday School

What you will need:
Chalk or Masking Tape
Sticky Notes
Bean Bags
Permanent Marker
How to play:Use painters tape (masking tape) or chalk to make a hopscotch on your floor. Place sticky notes with the words of the verse on the right side of each square of the hopscotch. If you have more words than squares place them on the left side of the hopscotch so that the children can read them as they hop back to the beginning of the hopscotch. As the children jump on each square, or over each square, they must say the word next to that square.
To play children take turns throwing their bean bag into the squares in order starting at the beginning of the hopscotch. They then hop on one foot on each square that doesn't contain a beanbag. Where two squares are side by side on the hopscotch the children place both feet down, one on each square. When they come to the end of the hopscotch, they jump and turn and land on both feet in the opposite direction.
Normally, a player's turn isn't over until he or she makes a mistake, but for this game children have only one turn to jump the hopscotch. On each turn they get to pick up their bean bag and try to throw it into the next square. If the bean bag does not land in the next square, that child loses his turn and returns the bean bag to the square it was on. If the bean bag lands in the next square, the child gets to jump the hopscotch. If he does it successfully, he leaves his bean bag in that square. If he isn't successful he must place his bean bag back to the previous square and try again on his next turn.
The child that makes it to the end with his bean bag on the last square, saying the whole verse without jumping on any lines first, wins.
A hopscotch with squares 2' x 2' works well for fourth and fifth grade children. Make them smaller for younger children.
If you have younger children you can just have them jump from square to square. Don't use bean bags or other objects to throw into the squares. Make the hopscotch to fit their size.
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Working Together in Peace Activity
This is a great game for children to practice working together.
1. Children will work together in groups of twos to form letters that spell out a word. Remind them that they should use their peacemaking skills such as: listening, cooperating, compromising, being considerate, etc. while forming their bodies into the letter shapes because they will be rated on their performance.
2. Give each team thirty seconds to form the letter. The letters should be standing up, not lying on the floor.
3. The other children should observe the performing team and rate the team on a scale of 1 - 10 on how well they worked together and if they accomplished their task.
4. Add up the scores and then ask some of the children why they gave the score they did. Teams may lose points if they weren't cooperating, one team member was trying to run the show, a team member said something that wasn't nice, or a team member wasn't helpful or didn't compromise, etc.
5. The team with the highest score wins.
If you have a camera, take pictures of the children in their letter poses and then print them out and display them on your bulletin board. You only need to use P-E-A-C-M-K-R because some letters are used twice.
This game goes with the Sunday School lesson "Blessed are the Peacemakers" on The Resource Room.
More Fast and Easy Bible Games
Page 1 - Fast and Easy Bible Games
Page 2 - Index Cards Bible Games
Page 3 - Bible Games Using Balls, Balloons, and Bean Bags
Page 5 - Bible Games Using Toy Grabbers and Twister Game
Page 6 - Etch A Sketch Bible Games
You can find more fun Bible verse review games on The Resource Room! Every Sunday School lesson includes a Bible verse review game, crafts, and activities to reinforce the lesson.