Bible Review Games - Page 6
How to Make Easy Bible Review Games Using Etch A Sketch Magic Screens
Guess the Bible Word Etch A Sketch Review Game

What you will need:
At Least Two Etch A Sketch Boards and a Timer of Some Sort
Preparation: Before class write words on index cards that relate to the Bible lesson or previous lessons.
Set up: Break your children into teams and give each team an Etch A Sketch Board. Ask each team to pick someone to be their sketcher.
How to Play:
1. Give an index card with a word on it to the sketcher on one team. Tell the sketcher not to show the card to anyone. Before starting explain that the team loses ten seconds for each wrong answer so the players should not make wild guesses. On the word "go" the sketcher should draw a picture or write a word that relates to the word on the card, but not the actual word. The sketcher's teammates should try to guess what the sketcher is drawing. Time them to see how long it takes them to guess correctly. Keep track of how long it takes each team to complete the task. The team with the fastest time wins.
2. Before the next team takes a turn the teammate that guessed the word should explain how the word relates to the Bible lesson.
Circle the Answer Etch A Sketch Bible Lesson Review Game
Use Etch A Sketch Boards to put fun into your Bible lesson reviews.

What you will need:
Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Markers
Etch A Sketch Magic Screen (At Least Two)
1. Before class cut the transparency film to fit on your Etch A Sketch Screen. Using Sharpie markers write words that relate to the lesson or answers to question you might ask about the lesson. Make one for each Etch A Sketch you have.
2. Break your children into teams depending on how many Etch A Sketch Screens you have. Give each team an Etch A Sketch.
3. Tell your children that the players in each team should take turns using the Etch A Sketch. When you ask a question the team members should discuss the answer and then the player holding the Etch A Sketch should circle the correct answer using the knobs. Sketchers may not touch any other word while etching. The team that completes the circle or closed shape surrounding the correct answer wins one point. The team with the most points wins.
Spell Out the Bible Word Etch A Sketch Game
What you will need:
At Least Two Etch A Sketch Boards
Transparency Film and Permanent Markers or Crayola Children's Markers if You are Writing Directly on the Etch A Sketch Screen
Before class write words or phrases on index cards that relate to the Bible lesson or previous lessons. Make a set for each team.
Cut transparency film to fit the Etch A Sketch Screens. Write the whole alphabet on each transparency and place them on top of the screen (You can save these for use in future classes). Place the transparency on the Etch a Sketch screen and tape to the frame with clear tape. If you don't have transparencies, you can just write the words on the screen with a child's Crayola marker. Test the marker on the side of the screen to make sure it will clean off when you are done before writing over the entire screen. (A printable pattern for transparency film is available to members. This pattern also include a maze for the Lost Sheep Bible lesson.)
Set up: Break your children into teams and give each team an Etch A Sketch Board. Ask each team to pick someone to be their sketcher. Place the sketchers in the front of the class separated as much as possible. The team members should gather around the front of the sketcher.
How to Play:
1. Show the word card to the sketchers on both teams, and make sure they know how to spell the word.
Before starting explain that teams lose points for each wrong answer so the players should not make wild guesses. Tell the sketchers to place the dot anywhere on their screens they would like to start and then clear their screens.
On the word "go" the sketchers should use the Etch a Sketch screens to spell out the word on the index card by moving the line to each letter. The sketcher's teammates should try to guess what word the sketcher is spelling out.
2. When a team has guessed a word correctly they should explain how the word relates to the Bible lesson.
3. Give one point to the team the guesses the word or words first. Subtract one point for all wrong answers.
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More Fast and Easy Bible Games
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Page 6 - Etch A Sketch Bible Games