Printable Bible Games for Sunday School
Bible Games for Sunday School
Bible Board Games
Bible Missionary Adventures
From being bitten by a snake, being thrown out of a town for speaking God's words, or being stoned, children learn what the first missionaries experienced on their journeys through this two-page printable board game. Players must be the first team to preach in all three cities by landing on the "witness space" and then answering questions correctly to win the game. This game is available to members and as an instant download. Go to the Bible Crafts - Great Commission Page for more information.
Fruit of the Spirit Bible Game

The object of the game is to be the first team or player to color in all the fruits on the fruit sheet by landing on the corresponding fruit and answering questions correctly.
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Gathering Manna Bible Board Game

Children start at the first day of the week and take turns throwing a die and moving the correct amount of spaces. If they land on a word, they find the word on one of the manna pieces in the middle of the board. If they land on a space that says, "Eat One" or "Eat Two", they must put one or two pieces of manna back in the middle of the board. If they don't have any pieces, they don't have to do anything.
This game can be played two ways:
1. The child who spells out the whole Bible verse first with their manna wins. 2. The child who collects the most manna after going around the board once or twice wins.
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Dinosaur Bible Verse Review Board Game

The object of the this game is to collect one each of the 6 colors of dinosaur prints with the words on them to spell out the Bible verse. To do this children take turns throwing a die and moving their dinosaur in either direction (backwards or forwards) the number of spaces shown on the die. If they land on a colored dinosaur print, they collect the same color print. If they already have that color of print, they don't collect another one. The first child to collect all six prints and spell out the verse wins.
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Watchdog Bible Game

Designed for both younger and older children this game reviews all five Watchdog lessons. It can be played several different ways.
Younger children receive a treat after answering a question when they land on a picture of a dog with a dog bone.
If a child lands on the dogcatcher's truck, he has to say the Bible verse, go to the dog pound, and lose his next turn. After losing a turn, he can start anywhere on the board.
Older children play as described above except they must collect all three colors of dog bones. When a child lands on a "treat" space, the teacher picks up and reads the question. If the child answers the question correctly, he gets to pick up a bone that matches the color of the card. If he already has a bone that matches that color of card, he doesn't collect a bone that turn. He has to wait until he answers a question with a card that is the color of a bone he doesn't already possess. The child who collects all three colors of bones first wins.
"Seven and Seven, The King's Dream" Printable Bible Board Game
To prepare this game the teacher prints out helping-pictures and glues them to a poster board.

Children take turns throwing a die and moving that many spaces. If a child lands on a skinny cow, he colors one space under the skinny cow on his score sheet. If he lands on a healthy cow space, he colors one space under the healthy cow. If he lands on a talent space, he looks at the picture and tries to figure out what the child's talent might be in the picture and how he or she might use it to help others. The child who colors in all fourteen spaces on his or her score sheet first wins. To make the game go faster you can write different numbers on the cow pictures and have the children color in that many spaces on their score sheet.
This Printable Bible Game goes along with the lesson about Joseph interpreting the King's dream on The Resource Room.
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Angels Ascend Bible Board Game

To prepare this game the teacher prints out game board patterns and the angel pieces.
Game 1 - The teacher asks questions pertaining the lesson to each child. When the child answers a question correctly he gets to throw the die and move that many clouds up towards heaven. The child to reach "Home" first wins.
Game 2 - Use only game board 1 and 3 for a shorter board. Take turns asking each children a question. If a child gets the question right, he gets to move one space up towards heaven. You can also have the children play in teams so there aren't as many angel pieces on the board.
Game 3 - Make three sets of questions, easy, medium, and hard. Easy questions are worth one space, medium questions are worth two spaces, and hard questions are worth three spaces. Take turns asking your children questions. Let each child pick what set of questions they would like to answer - easy, medium, or hard. If the child gets the question correct, he gets to move that many spaces. The child who gets to the home cloud first wins.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "What About Angels" on The Resource Room.
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Moses in the Desert Turtle Bible Lesson Review Game for Sunday School

Children color their This game goes along with the Bible lesson about Moses in the desert when he had to run away and hide from Pharaoh. It is not only a game but also a craft. turtles, fold down the legs and fold up the heads, and then use them to play the review game.
When a child answers a question correctly he throws a die and moves that many spaces towards the cactus plant. The first turtle to reach the cactus wins.
This game goes with the lesson "God is Always With Us" Bible Lesson on The Resource Room.
Printable Books of the Bible Games
Books of the Bible Cereal Box Review Games
These hand-on games and activities are a great way to review the books of the Bible. Children will enjoy stacking and organizing the boxes. (If you don't have cereal boxes, you can just print out the labels onto card stock, and use them like cards. If you laminate them and stick Velcro tabs on the backs, you can use them on a felt board.)
Go to the Books of the Bible Crafts and Activities Page for sample printable patterns and a list of games.
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Fall Leaves Books of the Bible Game and Bulletin Board Display

Use these leaf patterns as a review game and bulletin board display.
On the word "go" children find the books of the Bible in order and place them in a pile. The team to finish first wins.
When all the teams are finished have them staple the leaves in order from the top of the bulletin board to the bottom. Have the words "The Books of the Bible are Falling into Place" written at the top.
Go to the Books of the Bible Crafts and Activity Page for printable patterns.
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Review the Books of the Bible Cube Game

A fun way for children to review the books of the Bible.
Children take turns throwing the cube. If the cube shows the first book of the Bible, they mark that book off on their cards. If not, they must try again on their next turn. The children can only mark off the books in order.
(If you have younger children, you can have them mark off the books in any order.)
The child who marks off all their books in order first wins. If the cube lands so it shows a book that is not the next in order, (or has already been marked off) the child loses his turn and must try again next time.
Go to the Books of the Bible Crafts and Activity Page for printable patterns.
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Printable Bingo Games
Christmas Four-In-A-Row Game

Place matching picture cards in a bag and mix them up. Pull out one card at a time and show your children the picture. (You can let your children pick the cards if you would like.) Briefly explain what the picture has to do with the Christmas Story. Tell them to place a marker over that picture if it is on their card. The child who gets four markers in a row first, in any direction, wins.
This game is available to members only on The Resource Room.
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Easter Three-in-a-Row Game

Show all the children the card and ask them if they know what the picture on the card has to do with Easter. If they don't know, give them a short explanation and then have them place a marker on their card over the picture if they have it. Keep playing until a child gets three makers in a row, diagonally, vertically, or horizontally.
This Game is available to members only on The Resource Room.
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Free Numbers Bible Bingo

Children learn facts about the Bible while playing this fun game. It is appropriate for grades 2 and up. Adults will even enjoy testing their Bible knowledge through this game!
1. Print out the bible bingo numbers list.
2. Print the numbers from the list on small pieces of paper and place them in a bag.
3. Print out the Bingo Cards Patterns onto colorful paper.
Using the numbers from the Bible Bingo Numbers List randomly print numbers on the cards. Print different numbers on each card varying their positions. If you would like, you can let older children pick numbers 1 - 12, 14 - 17, 21, 24, 27, 30, 39, 40, 66, 70, 90, 99, 100, 150, 600, 969 and write them on their own cards.
If you have a lot of people playing, you can add colors to the numbers and use the numbers more than once. The players would have to find the number with a specific color on their cards instead of just the number.
Draw a number from the bag and read what it says next to that number on your "Bible Bingo Numbers List". When someone answers the question correctly have everyone check their Bingo Card to see if they have that number. If they do, they can mark that number with a button or other game piece.
4. The object of the game is to be the first person to mark three or four numbers in a row.
Printable Toss Games
Locust Pom Pom Review Game

This game can be used to review the Sunday School lesson about John the Baptist or Joshua and Kaleb entering the promised land.
Children throw green pompoms onto the game board. They earn points by landing on a grasshopper circle and answering a question correctly.
This printable game is available to members on The Resource Room.
John the Baptist Match Game

For the youngest children just use two types of cards, honey bees and locust. There will be a lot of the same cards, but they will have a fifty/ fifty chance of getting a match. Children match up cards and then answer a question.
For older children you can make the game more challenging by having them answer questions after they get a match in order to keep the cards.
Pin-the-Tail Games
Pin the Garment on the Donkey Printable Game

This game is played like "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" except children stick the garment on the donkey.
Use rolled up tape on the back of the cloak patterns instead of thumb tacks.
As your children play remind them that the disciples took off their cloaks and placed them on the donkey for Jesus to sit on.
Black and white and color patterns are available for this game on The Resource Room.
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Pin the Feather in the Manger Christmas Bible Game

This is a great game for young children. Tell them that they are going to help make a soft bed for Baby Jesus.
Have your children take turns trying to pin a feather to the manger while blind folded. When all the children have had a turn tape a picture of Baby Jesus on the manger.
This pattern for this game are available to members on The Resource Room.
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Bible Dice Games
Days of Creation Dice Game

Children sit in a circle and take turns throwing the die. The child who throws the die should say what the picture that is facing up represents and on what day it was created. If the child gets it right, he gets the designated points The child with the most points wins. If you have very young children, don't keep score.
This printable bible game is available to members only on The Resource Room.
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Easter Dice Review Game

Children sit in a circle and take turns throwing the die. If a happy face is face up, the child should say something happy that happened in the story. If a sad face lands face up, the child should say something happy that happened in the story. The die also has "Hop like a rabbit" and "Get a snack". Keep playing until all the children have received a snack.
This printable bible game is available to members only on The Resource Room.
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Printable Bible Verse Review Games
Bible Duos Matchup Printable Card Game
Children, third grade and up, will enjoy this Bible Match Game with a twist. Cards are passed around the circle one at a time until one child finds a match. The child who finds a duo grabs a spoon and then all the other players try to grab a spoon before they are all gone. The player who is left without a spoon is out of the game. The child who finds the match explains how the duo is related or something about the duo. There are 54 printable cards with 26 different designs. Each set of cards has the same design so children who don't read can still match the duos by matching the design on the cards. Some examples of duos are: Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark, Cain and Abel, Daniel and the lions, etc.
Instant Download Colored Cards -
Salvation Verses Matchup Game

This is a great way to review the salvation message. Children match up the beginning of the verses to the ends of the verses to make complete verses. There are eleven different verses or twenty-two pieces all together.
Adjust the game for children of different levels. To make the game easier print out the beginning Bible verse sheets and the ending Bible verse sheets onto different colors of card stock. You can also use half of the verses instead of all of them to make the game easier. Bible references are on the verse sheets so if children are having a hard time finding the matching verses, they can use their Bibles to help them.
Instant Digital Download - - KJV
Instant Digital Download - - NIV
Christmas Dreidel Bible Verse Memory Game

Children take turns spinning the dreidel. When the dreidel stops, they read the word on the top that is facing up and find the matching card in a bowl and place it in front of them. If a child spins the same word twice, he doesn't take a card. The child that gets all four cards first to spell out the verse wins.
This game goes along with the Christmas Sunday School lesson "The Prophets Tell About Jesus" on The Resource Room.
This Printable Bible Game is available to members only.
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Ravens Feed Elijah Bible Verse Review Spinner Game

Each child takes a turn spinning the spinner and doing what it says on the wheel.
If the bird's beak lands on "Pick a card" that child should pick up one of the cards.
If a child lands on "Pick a card from another player, he can take a card from any of the other players. Keep playing until all the cards have been picked up.
This printable bible game is available to members only.
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Worm Bible Verse Review Game

Children take turns throwing a die. Older children write in the word they rolled in the appropriate space on their worms. Younger children make a check in the appropriate space under that word. If a child rolls the same word twice, he doesn't do anything on his turn.
This printable bible game is available to members only.
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Adam and Eve Bible Verse Review Game

Children take turns picking an apple that they think might have the missing word written on it. Turn over the apples for them to see if there is something written on it. Keep playing until a child has found the word "Christ". Write the Bible verse on the board and go over it several times leaving out the word "Christ". "For as in Adam all die, even so in ____ shall all be made alive." 1 Corinthians 15:22 Add the missing word when the apple with "Christ" has been found.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Adam and Eve" on The Resource Room.
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Moses Bible Verse Review Game

Children take turns guessing which basket Baby Moses is in. Play like the old shell game, mixing up the baskets while the children try to follow the one that Moses is in. If a child guesses correctly, the next child takes a turn. If a child is wrong, he or she has to say the memory verse and then try again until he or she finds the right basket.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "You Can Do Important Things - The Story of Moses and Miriam" on The Resource Room.
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Back to School with a Leap Bible Verse Review Game

Children take turns pulling a piece of paper out of Froggy's mouth, opening it up, and seeing if it is part of the message. When a child picks one of the words to the message, tape it up on the board. See if the children can figure out the correct order of the words to complete the bible verse.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Back to School with a Leap"on The Resource Room.
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Bible Match Games
7-Eleven Candy Bible Verse Match Game
Children match up Bible verse cards to popular candy that can be found at 7-Eleven. After your children have matched up all the candy to the verses, you can make a "How Sweet are Your Words" poster with the candy wrappers. Printable bible verse cards in both the KJV and NIV and the title card are available to members.
1. Good and Plenty or Mr. Goodbar - Psalm 34:8, KJV (O taste and see that the Lord is good)
2. M&M - Luke 6:36 KJV (Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.)
3. Almond Joy - Nehemiah 8:10b, KJV (for the joy of the Lord is your strength)
4. Payday - Matthew 20:8, KJV (give them their hire)
5. Bit-O-Honey - Psalm 119:103, KJV (sweeter than honey to my mouth)
6. Cracker Jack – (Prize inside) - Philippians 3:14, KJV (mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.)
7. Dove - Matthew 3:16, KJV (He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove.)
8. Juicy Fruit Gum - Galatians 5:22-23, KJV (fruit of the Spirit)
9. Kisses - Matthew 26:48, KJV (Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast.)
10. Live Savers - Romans 5:10,KJV (we shall be saved by his life.)
11. Smarties - Psalm 119:98, KJV (Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies)
12. Starburst - Psalm 148:3, KJV (Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.)
13. Swedish Fish - Mark 1:17, KJV
Instant Download - 8 Pages - - KJV and NIV
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - Do not publish this candy list with Bible verses on any other web sites.
Armor of God - Belt of Truth

To play divide your children up into teams. Give each team a belt and a set of "Truth" Bible verse strips. The children should try to match up the "Truth" Bible verses to the lies that are written on the belt. Some of the Bible verses may work with more than one lie, so they may have to switch some around so all the Bible verses match one of the lies.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "The Armor of God - Belt of Truth" on The Resource Room.
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Armor of God Match Game

Before class print out the cards onto card stock and cut them out. (Printable cards available to members.)
You can play this game a couple of ways.
Game #1 - Break your class into teams and play with just twelve cards - two of each pattern. Have your children take turns turning over two cards to see if they match. If they match, the child gets to keep the cards.
If they don't, he has to turn them back over and the next child takes a turn. At the end of the game the child who gets the most matches wins.
Game #2 - Print out enough cards so that you have at least a set of cards for each child. Have all the children sit in a circle and place all the cards face down. Play like Game #1, except the first child to get all six sets of cards wins. Have the child turn over one card at a time. If he doesn't already have the card he turns over, he gets to keep it. If the child picks up a card that he already has, he has to turn it back over and try again on his next turn. The child who finds all six cards first wins.
Printable Bible Card Games For Sunday School
Butterfly Bible Verse Review Card Games (Older Children)
This is a type of match game, but instead of matching another card, the students match words up to the Bible verse in the order of the verse.

What to do:
1. Print out the Cards onto card stock. Make a set for every 3 or 4 students in your class. (Printable cards are available on The Resource Room.)
2. On the back of each card print one word from the memory verse: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. II Corinthians 5:17
3. Print the memory verse on a sheet of paper for each group.
How to play:
1. Break the students up into groups of 3 or 4. Give a set of cards to each group. Have each group spread all their cards out in front of them.
2. The object of the game is to be the student who picks up the most cards. The students take turns looking for the words to the verse by turning over a card they think might contain the word they are looking for. If the card they turn over doesn't match the word, they turn it back over and the next player takes a turn. The students must find the words in order. For instance, to start the game everyone is looking for the first word of the verse, "Therefore." The student who finds the word "Therefore" gets to keep that card. After the word "Therefore" is found, the students take turns turning over cards to look for the word "if". They keep going in this manner until all the words are found in order.
3. As the students find a word from the verse they can cross off the word on the sheet they were given so they can keep track of the next word to be found.
Butterfly Bible Verse Review Relay Game (Younger Children)
1. Before Class print out the cards onto card stock. Make a least two sets of cards. Write the Bible verse on the board so your children can see it. (Printable Cards are available on The Resource Room, above.)
2. In class break up your students into teams.
3. Place sets of cards at one end of the room and the teams at the other. Spread the cards out so that they are all visible and not in order.
4. On the word go children take turns running to the cards, finding the card that is next in sequence to spell out the verse, and placing it in order. Each child can only move one card on his or her turn. The team that gets all the cards in place first wins. For example, the first child will look for the first word of the Bible verse and place it at the top of the pile. The second child will look for the second word and place it to the right of the first word.
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Star Wars Bible Verse Review Game

Deal out all the cards to your children. Children line up in two rows with a table at the front of the room. Have the first two children place their cards down on the table.
The child who has the highest card wins both cards. He must read or repeat the part of the Bible verse that is on the highest card, and then go to the back of the line. If a child looses all his cards, he must sit down. Keep playing until there is only one child left.
This printable card game is on The Resource Room and is available to members only.
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"Love Is" Card Games

1. Play "Find the Love Bugs" Card Game
Place all the cards in a bag and mix them up. Tell your children that you caught a lot of bugs, some are "love bugs" and some aren't. Have them take turns reaching in the bag and pulling out a card. If the card is a "love bug", the child gives an example of how we can love from what is written on the card. For example, if he pulls out a "Love is Kind" card, he may say, "We can be kind by giving to others." That child can then get a snack. If a child picks a "bad bug", he doesn't receive a snack this time, but will have another chance to pick a card his next turn. (Printable cards in both the KJV and NIV available on The Resource Room.)
2. Play "Find the Bugs"
Use just enough cards (from above activity) so that you have one card for every child and each card has a match. If you don't have any even amount of children, have a helper play the game. Before class hide the cards around your room. On the word go, the children should all try to find one card and then try to find the other child in the class who has the matching card. (Printable cards in both the KJV and NIV Available on The Resource Room, above.)
3. Play "Match the Love Bugs" Card Game
Use the cards from the above activities, but print out a matching set. Remove all the "bad bug" cards except for one. Turn over all the cards and let the children take turns trying to find matches. If a child turns over a "bad bug" card, he loses his turn. Make sure the children turn the cards back over and place them in the same location each turn if they don't match. Each time a child turns over a card, read what it says on the card to help them remember the Bible verse. (Printable cards in both the KJV and NIV Available on The Resource Room, above.)
4. Play "Go Buggy" - (Older Children)
This game is played like "Go Fish" and "Old Maid" combined. The object of the game is to not get stuck with the "bad bug" card at the end of the game. Before class print out two sets of cards for every three students. Remove one "bad bug" card from every set. You should have only one "bad bug" card per set of cards. Place your children into groups of three, and have them pass out all the cards between them. One child will have an extra card, that child should start the round.
If a child is holding any matches in his hand, he places them down in front of him on the table. Children then take turns asking someone in their group if they have a certain card. If the child they ask has the card, he has to give it to him. If the child doesn't have the card, he says, "Go buggy" and the child asking must pick a card from his hand. If a child matches all his cards and places them on the table in front of him, he is out of the game until the next round. When all the cards have been matched and placed on the table in front of the children, the child left holding the "bad bug" card is out of the game. The remaining three children then start a new round. They play the same way, and the child who is left holding the "bad bug" card in the second round is out of the game. The two remaining children play the "play off" round to see who will win. They don't ask each other if they have a certain card, they just take turns picking cards from each other. The child who isn't left with the "bad bug" card wins the game. (Printable cards in both the KJV and NIV Available on The Resource Room, above.)
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The Story of Moses Match Game
Show your children the cards and ask if they can guess which part of the story each picture represents and then play a match game with the cards.
This printable bible game is available to members only.
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Christmas Match Game

Print out two pages each of the match cards. If you have younger children, use fewer cards. Pick the picture cards instead of the cards that have words on them.
This printable bible game is available to members only.
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Symbols of Easter Match Game
Place two of each egg face down on the table. Have the children take turns turning two cards over at a time to see if they can find a match.
This printable bible game is available to members only.
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Talents Match Game

Children take turns turning over two cards at a time trying to match the pictures. When a child gets a match, ask him what talent he thinks is represented on the picture cards and how that child might use his talent to help others. If they find matching cow cards, they say the Bible verse.
If you have very young children, make only one set of cards.
Turn over all the cards and have your children take turns picking a card. If they pick a cow card, they say the Bible verse. If they pick a picture card, they say what the talent might be and how we can use it to help others. This game goes along with the lesson about Joseph interpreting the King's dream on The Resource Room.
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Armor of God Match Game

Children take turns turning over two cards to see if they match. If they match, the child gets to keep the cards. If they don't, he has to turn them back over and the next child takes a turn. At the end of the game the child who gets the most matches wins.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "The Armor of God" on The Resource Room.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Fruit of the Spirit Match Game

Children match up fruity characters to help them remember the Fruit of the Spirit.
This Game goes along with the lesson "Fruit of the Spirit - Lesson 1" on The Resource Room.
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"If You Had To Choose?" Printable Bible Card Game for Groups

Object of the Game: Is to collect the most cards by guessing correctly if players picked the option you picked or didn't pick.
Preparation: Print out the card patterns onto card stock and cut them apart - Numbered Cards, Option Cards, Option Cards 2, Option Cards 3, Option Cards 4, and Blank Cards (You can make up your own cards or have your children add cards).
Have your children sit in a circle and place the Option Cards in the middle of the circle face down. Give each child a Number 1 Card and a Number 2 Card.
How to Play:
1. Children take turns reading an Option Card and picking an option.
2. The first child reads an Option Card and lets the other players decide which option they would pick without discussing their choice. If a child picks option one, he places a Number 1 Card on the table in front of him face down. If he picks option two, he places a Number 2 Card face down in front of him on the table.
3. After all the children have placed a card on the table the reader tells which option he picks and explains why he picked the option. Then he guesses if more children in the game picked the option he picked, or more picked the other option. The other players turn over the cards on the table. If the child is correct, he gets to keep the option card. If he is wrong, the card is discarded. The player to his right then takes his turn. The child who acquires the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Scavenger Hunt Games
Free Church Picnic Bible Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt is designed for the outdoors and is excellent for church picnics. People of all ages will enjoy figuring out the clues and scavenging for the objects needed to win.
1. Before the activity, print out the scavenger hunt clues and make copies. Print out the answers to the clues and store them out of sight.
2. Break your players into teams with an even amount of younger and older people together.
3. Have the team pick a team captain. Explain the game's rules and give each group a KJV Bible, a paper grocery bag to store the objects they find, and several plastic Ziplock bags to keep small things.
4. Break your players into teams with an even amount of younger and older people together.
5. Have the team pick a team captain. Explain the rules of the game and then give each team a KJV Bible, a paper grocery bag to store the objects they find, and several plastic Ziplock bags to keep small objects.
Rules and Instructions:
1. Read the Bible verses and fill in the missing words to determine what objects to find. If you don't know the answer, you can look it up in your Bible.
2. The object you are looking for maybe only part of the missing word. For example, the missing word may be "boxes." If the "es" on boxes is filled in and not part of the blank line ( _____es), you should only look for the missing piece of the word, which would be only one box.
3. The object you are looking for maybe a combination of two missing words from two different Bible verses.
4. Also, the missing word in the verse does not have to be taken literally. For example, if the word is "frog," you can use an actual frog (take a picture of it) or a frog drawing or make a frog using rocks and other objects. However, the object of the game is to get the best of each item, so a real frog would win the extra point.
5. Do not pick anything that is alive. You can take pictures of them instead.
6. You do not have to find the objects in order.
7. The team that finds the most and best objects at the end of the allotted time wins. Teams earn one point for each item on the list, and one point for the best of each item.
Bible Charade Games
Names of Jesus Charades

3. Divide the cards evenly between the groups. Each group should pick one person to be the person who acts out the words for his team. Each team gets three minutes to guess as many words as they can.
The team member who is acting out the words may pick the words he wants to act out for his team. He can pass on certain words if the other members of his team are not able to guess the word or he thinks it is too hard to guess.
4. After each team has had three minutes to guess as many words as they can. Count up the number of words that have been guessed by each team. The team that has guessed the most words wins.
5. When the game is over have your children look up the Bible verses that go along with the words they guessed correctly.
Bean Bag Games
Abigail Keeps the Peace Bean Bag Game

Children throw a beanbag or ball at the game pieces and try to knock pieces backwards so that the letters on the bottom of the cards pop up to show the saying "Keep the Peace".
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Abigail Keeps the Peace" on The Resource Room.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Back to School with a Leap Bean Bag Game

Children take turns throwing the frogs onto the lily pads. Each lily pad has one word of the bible verse printed on the back. If a frog lands on a lily pad, the child turns that lily pad over and reads it or has the teacher read what it says. If it is a word from the Bible verse, the child tapes it to the bulletin board in the correct order.
This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Back to School with a Leap" on The Resource Room.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Printable Guessing Games
"Guess Who" Bible Game

Hang up the poster of Joseph and his brothers so that the whole class can see it.
Have one child come up in front of the class and pick a card.
Have the other children take turns asking yes or no questions such as: "Does the son have a beard?" The child in the front of the room should answers the question.
The child who asked the question then gets to take a guess at which son is on the card that the child is holding.
If he guesses wrong, the next child gets to ask a question.
Keep playing until a child guess correctly. That child then gets to pick a card and stand in front of the room. Keep playing until all the child get to pick a card.
This game goes along with the lesson "Forgiveness - A Father's Day Lesson" on The Resource Room.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
More Fast and Easy Bible Games
Page 1 - Fast and Easy Bible Games
Page 2 - Index Cards Bible Games
Page 3 - Bible Games Using Balls, Balloons, and Bean Bags
Page 5 - Bible Games Using Toy Grabbers and Twister Game
Page 6 - Etch A Sketch Bible Games
Folded Paper Games
Memory Cross Folding Paper Game - Learn the Ten Commandments Game
Memory Cross cards are a great way for children to memorize Bible verses. They will love folding the panels in a never ending loop. The Ten Commandment Cards in the video below come in a set of ten cards plus two of Jesus' Commandments. Children can memorize the commandments by reading the first panel, guessing what comes on the next panel, and then folding it over to see if they are correct. They can continue in this manner until the commandment is memorized.
Once all the Commandments are memorized you can use them as a game. Break up your students into teams and give each team a set of cards. Mix up the cards and have the teams read them and place them in order. The team that gets them all in order first wins. Order the Ten Commandment cards from Memory Cross Inc.
Links to Other Game Sites
Games Database - You will find, at last count, 157 different game ideas. Most of these games are for older children.