Daniel in the Lion's Den Bible Lessons
Scaredy-Cat (A Little Lion Learns about Courage)
Children learn about how to overcome fear through this make-believe story about a little, scaredy cat lion who meets Daniel in the lion's den. Isaiah 41:10 This lesson was designed for Christian home school use. It will also work great for Christian preschools and Sunday school. It includes worksheets for writing the ABC's in print and cursive, games and activities to reinforce the lesson, Bible verse cards, math games and phonic games, arts and crafts, science project ideas and other learning activities.
Crafts and Activities include: "Spin the Lion" review game, "Lion's in the Den" song, stuffed lion craft, lion face with noodle mane craft, scaredy cat puppet, and a scaredy cat Bible verse book.
The following Sunday School lesson is a free sample Sunday School lesson. A complete lesson is available to members on The Resource Room.
Daniel Shows Courage Bible Lesson
"Daniel Shows Courage". A complete lesson is available to members on The Resource Room, and as an instant digital download. Go to the Daniel Shows Courage Bible Lesson Page for more information.
Lion Crafts on Other Pages
Lions in The Den Song
Written by Nancy Foss
(Sing to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus")
The lions in the den go roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar.
All day long.
Daniel's in the den praying to God, praying to God, praying to God.
All night long.
The lions in the den go snore, (9 times)
All night long.
Daniel's alive jump up and down (3 times)
Daniel's alive jump up and down, turn around and sit down.
(You can have the kids just roar or snore using sounds if you don't want to repeat the words roar and snore so many times).
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Scaredy Cat Book

This little book is in the shape of a lion. The tail is made from yarn. Children can print Bible verses inside that will help them not to be scared.
Print out the cover pattern and cut them out.
(Printable patterns are Included in the Scaredy Cat lesson above.)
Use the cover to trace a back cover and pages.
Staple them together at the top of the head.
Bible Verses: 1 John 1: 5, Psalm 27: 1, 2 Timothy 1:7, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 46:1-3, I John 4:18, and Hebrews 13:6
Other Uses for This Book:
1. Write a word rhyming with cat on each page.
2. Have children write their own story in the book.
3. Have a child dictate their own story to you to write for them.
4. You can also write other words that start with the C sound in the book.
5. Make it a prayer book. Help the children come up with a prayer they can pray when they are scared.
(If you use this book in another way, I would love to hear how you use it. I will add it to the list of ideas and add a week to your subscription. I would love to hear from you.)
I'm preparing the lesson for the letter C this week. I'm going to be making the prayer book with the kids, but because they are so young and do not know how to write yet, instead of a prayer, they will draw pictures of the things they're afraid of that they would like Jesus to help them with, then they can share with the class and each child will be prayed for. Mindy Carlough
© 2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
For the "C" lesson, I bought orange plastic plates and glued yellow crepe paper around the plate for the mane, glued on eyes, cut a piece out of the plate at the bottom and taped a tongue depressor on the plate for them to use the lion as a puppet. I put the memory verse on the back of the plate. Bonnie Lucas
I took the paper plate lion idea. I used a yellow Styrofoam plate. (I think as the colors appear thru out the year for the seasons I am going to stock up for crafts.). Then I took a plain white paper plate and spray painted both sides yellow. It was quick and easy. I folded them in half with the inside of the plate out. I cut the outside edge off on the upper half and folded the remaining circle center down. I then positioned the cut out edge where it was even with the folded edge. It over lapped the bottom rim. I stapled the top and bottom rim together at the corners and trimmed the excess off to where it was a smooth oval. This made the 'mane' to my lion with no additional materials. I cut out legs, tail and ears, and a tongue from construction paper. The ears were positioned right behind the fold at the top of the head. I also cut out a big red tongue (thought about teeth to go under the top of the mouth but didn't have time) and got a big punch of a heart and cut that out of pink for the nose. I went to makingfriends.com and ran off the eyes from one of the yarn bugs and cut them out for the eyes. Each was put place together with a plate so all could be handed out to each child for their craft. I did the memory verse on a business card with a small lion in the corner and that went in the mouth.
We used glue sticks for everything but the legs, and tail. Those we stapled because they didn't hold. We have glues sticks for each child and it is working well. They stick quick, not drying time or mess. Even the three year olds do well with supervision. They turned out really cute. If you had the time you could add yarn or construction paper whiskers and tassel for the tail. I told both stories. The Bible one first Daniel shows courage then did the scaredy cat one and told them we were pretending this might have happened because so many that are young take these things as in the Bible. We also sang, "God is bigger than the Boogie Man", from Veggie Tales and inserted things they were afraid of in the place of boogie man and monster. Showing the veggie tale movie Where is God when I am scared would be good before as an addition to this lesson.
I took the song you had posted sung to the wheels on the bus and wrote a new one. Here it is:
Daniel in the Lions Den
(Sing to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus")
The king told everyone to "Pray to my idol, pray to my idol,
pray to my idol",
The king told everyone to "Pray to my idol, pray to it, for
thirty days."
Daniel said, "I can't, I only pray to God, only pray to God,
only pray to God".
Daniel said, "I can't, I only pray to God, all of the time."
The king said, "Then you have be a lion dinner, have to be
a lion dinner, have to be a lion dinner."
The king said, "Then you have be a lion dinner because you won't obey me".
Daniel was thrown in the lion's den, lion's den, lion's den, lion's den.
Daniel was thrown in the lion's den, clank, clank, clank.
It was dark in the lions den. Daniel couldn't see a thing, Daniel couldn't see a thing,
Daniel's stayed alive so clap your hands, and sit down.
The lions in the den went roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar.
The lions in the den went roar, roar roar, they were very hungry.
Daniel started praying to our God, to our God, to our God.
Daniel started praying to our God, to protect Him from all harm.
God answered prayer and shut their mouths, shut their mouths, shut their mouths.
God answered prayer and shut their mouths so they couldn't bite.
Daniel stayed alive, so jump up and down, shout real loud, turn around.
Daniel stayed alive so clap your hands, sit down.
Sent in by Narita Roady
I just used this lesson for my preschool Sunday school class this week. It was great. We cut out the lions face and glued it on a small paper plate and had the kids put the noodles around the face. The kids had a blast doing this and then we talked about our fears and wrote them down in our lion booklet we made. The kids had such a blast doing this. It was so amazing the stories these kids came up with when we talked about our fears. I couldn't get them to stop telling their stories. But it was so much fun listening to everyone of them. Jeanie
I used this lesson but I ready the from the Bible for the lesson. I them read the story about Scaredy Cat. The kids loved it and after they made their puppets they wanted to read it again and do it kind of like a skit. Some of the kids made Scaredy cat puppets and some made Bruno and some made the other Lion. The kids really enjoyed this lesson. I also used white bags for the puppets instead of brown and let them color them. They turned out really cute. Heather Kinsey
I used the Scaredy Cat lesson Sunday with my kindergarten class. The story is so fresh and relevant, and the Scaredy Cat Hand Puppet is wonderful. Here is what I learned from assembling him: (1) Two-sided tape is the best way to fasten the parts. They are hard to reach with a stapler, and it is hard to hold the parts in place while waiting for glue to dry on card stock. The tape is fast, easy, and fast holding. (2) While working out the details with my grandson, he put the ears on with a downward slant, and it made a cute puppy dog. This pattern would be great for several animals, depending on the ear placement.
Also, the Lion Booklet with scripture promises was an excellent follow-up piece to send home with the students. I provided stickers for them to decorate the pages around the scripture verses. Thank you for a great lesson. Jean Kemp
My preschool Sunday school class did the lesson "Scaredy Cat" on October 30. The children colored the "C" coloring sheet available from your abc worksheets. The children then made Cat Masks. I cut out a cat shaped head only on black construction paper. We then added pink triangles from construction paper to the inside of the ears of the cat. We then added six white whiskers (3 to each side) of the cats nose. I then used a hole punch to make holes for the eyes. Then we took a jumbo craft stick and taped it for a handle to the right side lower corner of the cat face. I made a little label to glue to the craft stick. It said, "Don't be a scaredy cat"! For God said, "Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God." Isaiah 41:10. Thanks, Ella
I did the Scaredy Cat Lesson with my 2 - 5 year mid-week class. We really enjoyed it. I also did the Daniel Shows Courage Lesson. For the den I bought bulletin board paper that looked like rock walls, and made my lion's den out of cardboard covered in that paper. Before class I painted an angel with glow in the dark paint and had a black light in the room. When the lesson said, "Daniel closed his eyes and prayed, I made my kids close their eyes as well. When they opened them the lights were off and the black light revealed the angel in the lion's den with Daniel. The kids loved it and raved about it. I also used the stuffed lion craft, but we used popcorn in the Baggies so it was a craft/snack. The kids had a blast eating and coloring! Jana Monroe