Daniel Bible Crafts and Games
Bible Crafts and Activities for Sunday School About Daniel
Daniel Shows Courage Bible Lesson
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Daniel Shows Courage". A complete lesson is available to members on The Resource Room, and as an instant digital download.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
"Tell the Story" Daniel in the Lion's Den Folding Bible Craft

Children color the pictures of Daniel and the lions with their mouths open and their mouths closed and the angel. They tape the picture of the lion's with their mouths closed to the bottom of the picture and the angel to the side.
Children tell the story of Daniel as they fold the angel picture so the angel appears in the story, and then fold up the lions with their mouth's closed and tell how the angel helped Daniel by closing the mouths of the lions. The printable patterns for this craft are available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Instant Digital Download - Available in KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
Daniel and the Lions Cupcake Liner Craft
What you will need:
How to Make the Daniel Cupcake Liner Figure:
A full-sized printable diagram pattern is available to members.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
1. Flatten two two-inch cupcake liners. Tape or glue a jumbo craft stick in the center of one of the flattened cupcake liners. (If you don't have cupcake liners, you can use 4 1/2" circles cut from patterned paper. To make the shepherd's robe fold one side of the cupcake liner over the jumbo craft stick as shown in the diagram (Diagram 1).

2. Fold the other side over the jumbo craft stick overlapping the first fold (Diagram 2).
3. To make the arms flatten a one-inch cupcake liner and cut it into quarters. (If you don't have cupcake liners, you can just use 4 1/2" circles.
4. Fold the sides of the cupcake liner quarters in on both sides to make the sleeves (Diagram 3). Glue mini craft stick inside the sleeves for the arms.
5. Glue or tape the arms onto the back of the body piece.
6. To make the head covering flatten a two-inch cupcake liner and cut a head covering shape from the liner. Cut a curved shape in the center of the piece and insert the top of the craft stick into the slit.
7. Draw on a face with markers.
How to Make the Lion Craft:
1. To make the lions mane flatten the mini cupcake liner and fold in half, cut two slits as shown on number seven of the diagram above.
2. Insert the end of a jumbo craft stick through the slits of the cupcake liner as shown on number 8 of the diagram above.
3. Glue a mini craft stick to the back of the jumbo craft stick to make the arms.
4. Draw a face with a pen or permanent marker.
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Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I did the Lost Sheep lesson last week in my Sunday School class, and my three to six year olds just loved it! They especially liked when I, the shepherd, came in looking for the lost sheep. They listened very well to the story, and participated a lot. I got this lesson off of your sample page of the site, and as soon as I saw the success, I became a subscriber. I love all of the fun information and activities on your site. It is well worth the money paid. I plan on using this site for all of my lessons in the future. I just want to say thanks! I know that this site will help our little Sunday School class grow in numbers and spirit. I'm so excited to see what happens. God Bless all of you!!!!! Sincerely, Nichole Adrian
Fuzzy Lion Craft for Daniel in the Lion's Den Sunday School Lesson
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper), Elmer's Paper Glue, Colored Pencils, Scissors, Fuzzy Yarn, and Tape
How to Make the Paper and Yarn Lion Craft:
1. Draw a picture of a lion on card stock with it's arms up and feet pointing out to the sides as shown in the picture above.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
2. Glue the picture to another piece of card stock with Elmer's paper glue and then cut it out.
3. Color the lion.
4. Wrap fuzzy yarn around the body of the lion until the belly is round. Use a piece of tape to tape the beginning of the yarn to the body. Stuff the end of the yarn down into wrapped yarn. Leave a short length of yarn hanging down from the back of the body for the tail.
©2012, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
"Spin the Lion" Bible Lesson Review Game
1. Prepare the flat cat spinner before class using four paper plates, paper, paint and glue.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
2. Write questions about the lesson on sticky note paper. Add some paper with activities on them such as “Roar like a lion”, “Walk around the outside of the circle acting like a lion”, etc. Place the cards in the lion's mouth.
3. In class children spin the cat. The child who has the lion's face facing him or her picks a sticky note from the lion's mouth and then answers the question or performs the activity relating to the story.
4. If you don’t want to make the lion paper plate spinner, you can use this spinner game.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
5. Print out the cat spinner pattern and cut it out.
6. Place a small bead in the middle of the spinner circle, then place the cat spinner over the bead matching up the center dot with the bead. Insert a straight pin that has a big head into the cat spinner and through the bead. Bend the pin on the bottom so that it doesn’t come out. Have your children sit in a circle and take turns spinning the spinner and doing what it says on the spinner. Have a list of questions ready to ask your students.
Lion Pawprint Bible Verse Review Game
1. Before class write one word of the Bible verse on each pawprint.
2. In class spread out the pawprints around the room.
3. Write the Bible verse on the board and review it with your children pointing at each word as you say it. Point to the first word of the Bible verse. Ask your children to see if they can find this word on one of the pawprints and tell them if they find it to bring it back to you.
4. Tape the word up under the word on the board. Keep playing until you have done the same thing with each word.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
Play “Pin the Tail On the Lion”
What you will need:
Clear Tape
Colored Pencils
What to do:
1. Before class print out the lion and tail patterns.
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
2. If you are using the black and white patterns, color the pattern or have your children color them.
3. Play like Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Use tape instead of thumbtacks to attach the tails to the lion picture.
Daniel 6:22 Bible Verse Activity Sheet
In class have your children match up the lions in the picture and write the word in the blank space from the matching lion under the corresponding lion to reveal what Daniel said to the king. When they have completed the sheet, have them look up the Bible verse in their own Bibles to check their work.
This activity sheet is available in both KJV and NIV and in easier versions.
(Note - The activity sheet pictured is only a samlple, and is not the actual activity sheet. The lions do not match up on the sheet pictured above.)
Instant Digital Download - KJV - Complete Lesson
Instant Digital Download - NIV - Complete Lesson
Lion Crafts on Other Pages
There isn't a Sunday that goes by that I don't check the resource room for something to add to our Sunday School lesson or a whole lesson all together. For a long time I just enjoyed Danielle's sight, but since I've been teaching Sunday School I am so thankful to have The Resource |Room. The Sunday after the terrible bombings I decided to do something other than my planned lesson. I did God's Masterpiece to remind the children and myself how important and special each one of us is to God. This last Sunday our church had a special service on "The Greatest of these is love..." and so I chose "God's love is Immeasurable." I always take the lessons and develop a worksheet for my students, because they love to read for me and write the answers. You always have so much for me to work from and it is such a marvelous help. I always share news about your site with our friends and parishioners, when I have the chance. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it! Janet
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your site!! I teach 3 & 4 year olds in my Sunday School class and your site is such an inspiration! If I don't find the exact idea I'm looking for, I get inspired by all the great stuff and modify something to work for "my bunch". Jeanne Young
Daniel Prayed
Also See - Daniel Prayed - Types of Prayer