Bulletin Board Displays For Sunday School
"Your Word is a Lamp for My Feet" Bulletin Board Display and Group Art Activity
Students will enjoy helping to create the stone path using a crayon rubbing technique, crinkling and ripping and tearing paper. For directions see "Your Word is a Lamp" Bulletin Board Display Page.
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Bible Verse Review Bulletin Board Displays For Sunday School
Use these charming printables to encourage your children to memorize their Bible Verses. Print out the patterns onto card stock and staple them to a bulletin board. Make Bible verse cards by cutting different colors of construction paper in half lengthwise and then into 2-inch strips. These printable bulletin board pictures are available to members on The Resource Room. You can also glue the pictures to the outside of a file folder and store the Bible verse cards in the pockets, or glue them to a large envelope and store the cards inside the envelope.
"Verses I Otter Know"

Print any new Bible verses onto the construction paper strips, and pin them under the "Verses I Otter Know" otter picture.
Review the Bible verse using games and repetition. (You can find lots of Bible verse review games on the Bible Games Page. Once you have reviewed the verse so that your child can say the verse without looking at it, pin it under the "Verses I Bear-ly Know" bear picture.
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"Verses I Bear-ly Know"

The verses pinned under this category are verses your child has already studied but still needs more review.
Keep reviewing the verse using games or other activities listed on the Bible Games Page until your children gets tired or he can say the verse without looking.
If he can say the verse fairly well pin the verse under the "Verses I Owl-most Know" picture to be reviewed the next day.

"Verses I Owl-most Know"
Verses pinned under this picture should be verses that your child can recite without help. Review the verse each day for a week and then place it under the "Verses I know purr-fectly".
"Verses I Know Purr-fectly"

The verses under this category are verses your child can recite without help. Review these verses weekly.
If there is a verse in this category that your child has forgotten, review the verse and place it back into the "Verses I Owl-most know" category.
If you don't have a bulletin board or somewhere to hang the pictures, you can glue the picture to the outside of a large envelope and have your children store the Bible verse cards in the envelopes.
We would love to hear how you use these pictures.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Regulations for this Web Site.
Counting Sheep 1 -10 Display Printouts
The patterns for the sheep are available to members only.
Monkey Bulletin Board Printouts
Large Printable Monkey Sign for You Bulletin Board Display - Add Your Own Words!
Go to the monkey crafts page to see more monkey printouts for your bulletin board display.
Happy Harvest Fall Bulletin Board Display for Sunday School
This bulletin board display can be used for many different purposes. It was designed to go along with the bible lesson "Happy Harvest". The pumpkins have words from the Bible Verse.
1. You can also have each child design their own pumpkin or jack-o-lantern.
2. Write new vocabulary words on the pumpkins.
3. Have your children write a fall poem on the pumpkins.
4. Put pictures of your children on the pumpkins.
Go to the Fall Crafts and Activities Page for directions and patterns for this bulletin board.
We're Falling for Jesus! Bulletin Board Display
Take pictures of your children during class and have them developed and printed. Staple blue paper on the bulletin board for the background color. Print out the saying "Jesus Never Changes". (Pattern available to members of The Resource Room)

Cut out around the words and staple them to the bulletin board. Use the leaf pattern as a template to cut leaf shapes from different colors of construction paper. Staple the leaves to the board randomly. Staple pictures of your children to the leaves.
"You are Kind and Forgiving" - Bulletin Board Display
This bulletin board display goes along with the lesson on the Prodigal Son for preschool children called "The Big Mistake".
"Fully Rely on God" - Frog Bulletin Board Display
This bulletin board display can also be used with the lesson "God Will Help You". Go to the lesson for directions and patterns for this display.
"God is Our Shepherd and We are His Lambs" Bulletin Board Display
This bulletin board comes with a border, title banner, and lots of little sheep. Go to "The Lost Sheep" Lesson for directions and patterns.
"Bee Theme Bulletin Board"

Instand Digital Download - - Two Pages - Bees and Words. Print the words on white paper and the bees on yellow paper. Color the wings white with a white colored pencil.
"Following in His Steps" - Bulletin Board Display
Children think of ways they can follow in Jesus' steps and write things on paper feet cutouts and then tape them to the board. This bulletin board goes along with the lesson "Following in His Steps". There is also a lesson for preschool children.
This display can be a work in progress. Before you start the lesson ask the children to think about ways they can follow in Jesus' footsteps. For instance, if you have the lesson on "The Women at the Well", you can ask the children what example Jesus left us in this story. You can write words on the feet like: compassionate, understanding, forgiving, accepting, caring, etc. As children think up new words, let the children add them to the display or point out words that are already on the board and tell how they relate to the story.
"Jesus is the Way!" - Bulletin Board Display

This bulletin board goes along with the lesson "The Straight and Narrow." You will find directions and patterns on the lesson page.
Instant Digital Download - - Includes seven signs and the words "Jesus is the Way!".
"Keys to a Happy Heart" Bulletin Board Display